Extra 260 Onboard Flight. Almost Crashed 3 Times lol

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Well it's been well over a weak since I last flew a plane, and I just couldn't stand it anymore. It was still windy today and it almost caused me to crash a few times. But, I wanted to fly dammit lol.

This is an onboard flight of the Extra 260 and I decided to try a few new things this time. In the sim, an inverted flat spin is easy and you can come out of it easily. Not in real life lmao. But, I landed it, kinda.

Take a look and tell me what you think! For more information on this plane and a lot others, come over to the forum linked to above. Hope to see you there.

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Рекомендации по теме

You got it really good flying skills that was like being at magic mountain.Was the wind the cause of those failed landing attempts?


It might be just my imagination, but it appears your camera is mounted backwards??
