Disney Canon Project 28: Little Mermaid

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This week we look at one of my favorite Disney films, the Little Mermaid. In this video I address some of the complaints but mostly just talk about why I love it.
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Ariel is another one of my favorite princesss I always feel bad that she gets a lot of hate. I do glad your one of the few people who defend her 😊


I've never understood the Ariel bashing because for a lot of the movie, she's a feisty teenager who made a couple of poor decisions. I don't know anyone who's been perfect in their teenage years, so putting those traits on Ariel only made her more relatable and human. This is still a fantastic movie that still holds up today, the kickstarter of the Disney Renaissance which changed Disney for the best and still one of my favorites.


This review is perfect and I can tell you're definitely a fan of this one.

I never saw The Little Mermaid when I was younger, I dismissed it because I thought it was too girly. But just a year ago, I watched it for the first time ever with my sister and freaking loved it! Seriously, I was more impressed by it than I was by most of the renaissance movies.

The music is amazing - it's one of the very few Disney movies where both songs AND underscore stuck with me. As well as that, it's just a very fun movie with beautiful visuals, dynamic characters and a very engaging plot.


I love The Little Mermaid! It's one of my favorites, my sisters really love it, and Jordan, the older of my two sisters (they're both younger then me, but Jordan's the older one), really loves Ariel. Like Ariel, she's got a really cute singing voice. Jodi Benson is one of the few actors that pretty much always reprises their Disney role. And, I think that's great. Without a doubt, Jodi Benson is my personal favorite actress. She's sweet, she's kind, she gives her characters so much emotion, and, on top of it all, she sings like an angel.


That was a really strong argument against of what people think of Ariel. I probably need to rewatch the movie.


I'm so happy to tell you that I loved this movie so much! I loved all of the music, I really felt for Ariel and I can understand why some people may see her as a complainer, but I related with her wanting to be different. I loved all of the side characters because I think they were perfectly used because flounder was cute and helpful, Sebastian was funny and helpful (with a wonderful singing voice) and scuttle was also an enjoyable character. And after saying all of that, I haven't even started an ursula! What a wonderful villain. Poor unfortunate souls is definitely one of my favorite villain songs and she had such a personality that she was always great to watch. I also liked Eric and how he had this huge house and lots of wealth, but still enjoyed little things like being on the beach with his dog. Overall, one of Disneys best movies and one I won't soon forget!


The Little Mermaid holds the distinction of being the first Disney movie I got to see in the theater on its initial release. I was 8 when it came out, too. Sure, the ones that came before it were great, but with The Little Mermaid, you knew were watching something special, the likes of which hadn't been seen before. It was the movie you talked about with your friends that had all the new songs you couldn't stop singing, long before there was 'Frozen.' And just think, back then you had to wait around 9 months average for a home video release. The torture.

Good job defending Ariel as a character. It's just a shame you have to go to such lengths to explain what should be obvious. The song may be called Part of YOUR World, but the word 'your' never enters the equation until the reprise. She's singing about her yearning to be a part of THAT world. The movie takes pains to show us that this is her true desire. The prince comes later, and it's not just that he's handsome. It's that he represents everything her heart desires. Yes, it's a little strange to hear Ariel profess her love for a guy she's never even formally met, but she is a teenager. What's more important is that the movie lets her spend time with Eric, and we see the relationship grow.

Now I've heard the argument that Ariel never learns anything or grows as a character, but that's not necessarily true. Once it's revealed that Ursula used her, Ariel knows she behaved rashly, and what more can she do but say she's sorry and fight back the best she can? It's subtle. You know, this movie is about a little mermaids trying to get to the place she belongs, not a little mermaids who needs to be put in her place. I think people expect way too much from a film with a running time of just over 1 hour. Not to mention, everyone gets all offended if a character isn't perfect, yet it's the flaws in their personality that makes them relatable. Characters that lack these nuances are very uninteresting, indeed.

There is something else, however, that ALMOST ruins the movie for me, and that's the 'Les Poissons' scene. I know it's supposed to be a joke, but it accentuates the whole conceit that humans are every bit as barbaric as Triton insists. Sebastian is an anthropomorphic crab, so from his perspective, it's about the equivalent of Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Then in the next scene, he's forced to witness while the humans casually chow down on his brethren. So you have to assume there's a stuffed crab on Ariel's plate as well. One would hope she at least passed on the main course, but she really should've been running for the nearest exit. Most people don't seem to have noticed this, but it's bugged me since I was 10. You might even be tempted to say this shouldn't be taken so seriously, but since it totally undermines pretty much everything positive in this entire plot, I'd say it should. I think the whole bit would've been better off on the cutting room floor. But at the end of the day, it just a movie and I'm in control of what I see or don't see. There's a fast-forward button on that remote for a reason. Overall, this movie is too good. Still highly regarded by me nearly 30 years later.


I re watched this movie 4 years ago and I enjoyed it, and didn't find Ariel shallow like others say. My only personal problem with the movie is I feel it changed allot of what made Hans Christian Anderson's original story so great. I understand some parts of the story were a bit too dark for a Disney film.


You can tell this is your favourite movie, because it's the longest video so far! This is also my all time fav Disney movie along with Pinocchio. Everything about it is enchanting: the score, the songs, the animation, the characters, the story, the message. As a kid, I was obsessed especially with the scene with the shark, I would rewind that scene in my VHS over and over again. There's something really special about this film.
I also appreciate your defense of Ariel. I get tired of always hearing the same criticisms about her, such as that "she gave up everything just for a man" or "she didn't learn anything by the end of the film", which is clearly false if you watch the movie. Ariel clearly had a passion for the human world already, and gambling everything for Eric wasn't just for him, but a search of her identity. I think that's a very deep message. Also, she does learn that she made a mistake, because we see she's horrified when her dad sacrifices his freedom for her, and attacks Ursula in response. And in her last scene as a mermaid, I think is noticeable that she watches Eric from afar, no longer by his side like she did the first time on the beach. I always saw that scene as a moment in which she's trying to say good bye to Eric, believing that its probably "for the better" if she stays a mermaid, even if that makes her miserable. That's why it's so touching that Triton finally understood how she felt and granted her his wish. In a way, her own dad was her fairy godmother.
Also, her character arc was intertwined with Triton's: neither saw eye to eye, and eventually both did reckless things that they regretted: Triton destroyed her possessions, and Ariel trusted Ursula. This is why by the end both have learnt a lesson: Triton to accept Ariel's decision, and Ariel to trust and appreciate her father ("I love you daddy").
My score: A+


I love this film too! I do agree about Beauty & The Beast and likely even Lion King being better, but ai still enjoy this one nonetheless. I liked how this film had quite a few symbolisms such as Flotsam & Jetsam representing the serpent from Genesis, and other stuff too, you know? And I hope Zootopia really isn't forgotten, as popular as it's been, you know also? Well anyway, great review!


You did a really good job reviewing this movie from a passionate fan's perspective and defending Ariel, too. She's one of my all time favorite fictional characters and my 2nd favorite Disney character behind Buzz Lightyear.


Great review! Yes! This one gets an A+, and I know as a kid I was worried this one would be my favorite and as a guy I was worried about being a labeled a sissy for loving this movie so much and that was why I didn't own it as a kid. I've been talking about how I did rankings of Disney movies and I almost made this my #1, and I had to guess between 2 movies which one I would put as #1, and this one ended up in 2nd place. I look forward to continuing to watch these videos, because this is a surprise, but there are 3 more beloved classics after this and you'll hear which one is #1 when we get to it.

Yeah, I love the beginning with the sailors doing a sea chanty and then a fish making his way back in the ocean and then the creatures in the ocean and then the concert hall. Ariel is the Disney princess I had a crush on when I was a kid and to this day she's still my favorite Disney princess, and yes boys are allowed to have a favorite Disney princess. I just liked how she was the mermaid that argued that not all humans are evil. Sebastian and Flounder were awesome characters, and I like how the seagull thinks he knows about human stuff when he's never been around humans. Ursula is definitely one of the best Disney villains and her song is one of the best songs.

"Under the Sea" is my favorite Disney Song, and my #1 Disney love song is "Kiss The Girl", and yes, even for a guy I love "Part of your World" and sung it for karaoke. I love the date scenes with Eric and Ariel, and it's interesting how challenging it is because Ariel can't talk. I actually love the scene with Sebastian and the chef, it's funny. I love Ursula being Vanessa and putting a spell on Eric, and they almost get married. I love the final battle scene. I love the ending. The list goes on. I love this movie, and as animated movies go, this one is hard to beat! Thank you so much!❤


This review was definitely worth the wait - wonderfully enthusiastic! After hearing your arguments against common criticisms of the film, I'm inclined to side with you. The Little Mermaid isn't one of my favourites but I like it fine: I think Les Poissons was always my favourite part!


the little mermaid is my favorite too:)


Great review on one of Disney's greatest classics! :D While not being my favorite of Disney's films, that goes to "Beauty and the Beast", it's a really amazing film that's so much fun and does have a powerful message to it. :D I never saw Ariel's journey as her "selfish" desire to be with a man?! O.o I don't know where that came from, but it's really stupid. Haha Ariel's journey is one anyone can relate to, and the emotions b/w Ariel, Eric, and definitely with Tritan, those are something that are so real and genuine, which makes it so beautiful. ^.^


I can tell how much you love this one ;) It's not my favorite but I like to watch it once in awhile. Ursula scared the ever living out of me as a kid and believe it or not I still have nightmares once in awhile about her Lol And I agree with you on her longing for something OUTSIDE of her romantic feelings, because it's a similar complaint I hear about Peter Parker giving up being Spider-Man in Spider-Man 2 where people think he gives up JUST to be with Mary Jane. I'll be saving that for a future video when Homecoming comes out next year so can't wait to talk about them in more depth :)

Have you seen the TV series for this movie? If not, there's an episode where Hans Christian Andersen is a character she comes across and he's voiced by non other than Mark Hamill!


It's a wonderful film but, over time there are a few things that I am noticing as an adult. I don't want to go into details here because I really want to save it for my future review. However, great review.


Great review, Rachel :)

Personally, I think it doesn't help that Eric is the _only_ male character of similar age in the entire movie. I mean..aside from her father, was there a single merman character? To me, that's probably why people say Ariel only became human to "get the hot guy".

I don't know. Maybe they should've had a "buffoon" character for her to reject, like Gaston from _Beauty and the Beast_; a merman around Ariel's age that she rejects to show the audience that Eric isn't the only "hot guy" she's ever seen. But that's just me :)


I love this movie, but it does have its problems. 4/5 Just like The Lion King.
