Dave Holland-Smash hits compilation of 2024-Best of the Best Mix-Just

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Dave Holland-Smash hits compilation of 2024-Best of the Best Mix-Just

00:06:15 : Win̲̲d̲ow̲̲s̲̲
00:19:23 : Solar̲ (Live)̲
00:25:26 : Ke̲i̲̲t̲̲h̲̲ Ja̲rrett̲̲ T̲̲r̲̲i̲̲o - I Th̲̲o̲̲u̲̲ght̲̲ A̲̲bo̲ut Y̲̲ou̲̲
00:30:48 : Fo̲̲r̲ A T̲̲h̲̲o̲us̲̲and̲̲ Y̲ears̲̲
00:37:12 : Que̲s̲tio̲̲n A̲̲nd An̲̲s̲we̲r
00:46:20 : Can̲̲t̲al̲ou̲p̲̲e Isl̲̲an̲̲d (Li̲̲ve)̲
00:51:41 : E̲̲l̲ucidatio̲̲n̲
00:57:41 : S̲̲e̲gm̲e̲nt̲̲
01:00:52 : F̲̲or So̲̲me T̲̲i̲m̲̲e̲̲
01:05:07 : D̲̲e̲̲d̲̲icate̲d To̲ Y̲̲ou̲̲

#D.a.v.e. .H.o.l.l.a.n.d. #Dave #Holland #Dave #Holland #music #Dave #Holland #quartet #Dave #Holland #bass #Dave #Holland #live #Dave #Holland #full #album #Dave #Holland #documentary #Dave #Holland #jazz #Dave #Holland #quintet #Dave #Holland #big #band #Dave #Holland #concert #Dave #Holland #interview #Dave #Holland #discography #Dave #Holland #group #Dave #Holland #compositions

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