'The Shapes Song' by

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"The Shapes Song" (See below for lyrics)
Sing and dance to this groovy tune that shows shapes are everywhere! After watching the video, look around the house and help your child find each shape in everyday objects.
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Song Lyrics:
Take a look around you.
Shapes are everywhere!
A window is a rectangle.
A napkin is a square!
Triangle, rectangle, circle, and heart,
diamond, square, oval, and star—
These are some of the most popular shapes
out of all the shapes there are!
A sail looks like a triangle.
A circle is a ring!
There are diamond shapes, and oval shapes,
and shapes for every thing!
Triangle, rectangle, circle, and heart,
diamond, square, oval, and star—
These are some of the most popular shapes
out of all the shapes there are!
All the shapes there are!
Can you guess a shape that twinkles?
That would be a star!
A heart shape is the sign of love—
a favorite shape, by far!
A favorite shape, by far!
Triangle, rectangle, circle, and heart,
diamond, square, oval, and star—
These are some of the most popular shapes
out of all the shapes there are!
All the shapes there are!
Now that you know all your shapes,
see what you can see!
Look up! Look down! Look all around—
that's where shapes will be!
That's where shapes will be!
Triangle, rectangle, circle, and heart,
diamond, square, oval, and star—
These are some of the most popular shapes
out of all the shapes there are!
Triangle, rectangle, circle, and heart,
diamond, square, oval, and star—
These are some of the most popular shapes
out of all the shapes there are!
All the shapes there are!
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