Meeting Gus, The Red-foot Tortoise With MBD

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Metabolic bone disease is an abnormality of bones caused by a broad spectrum of disorders. Most commonly these disorders are caused by abnormalities of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium or vitamin D leading to dramatic clinical disorders that are commonly reversible once the underlying defect has been treated.

These disorders are to be differentiated from a larger group of genetic bone disorders where there is a defect in a specific signaling system or cell type that causes bone disorder.

There may be overlap. For example, genetic or hereditary hypophosphatemia may cause metabolic bone disorder osteomalacia. Although there is currently no treatment for the genetic condition, replacement of phosphate often corrects or improves the metabolic bone disorder.

This is just one reason we feed Mazuri to the critters here at Crazy Critters.

#TortoiseMBD #RedFootTortoise #WildCaughtTortoiseInFlorida

~ Adopt ~ Breed ~ Rescue ~ Transport ~ Rehabilitate ~

Crazy Critters Inc. was established to provide non-domestic, non-releasable animals with a safe and permanent home. The sanctuary has adopted animals including reptiles, birds, and assorted wildlife.

Once brought to the facility, these exotic animals are housed in naturalistic settings. Allowing propagation that is used for conservation.

Currently, this facility houses species of animals listed on CITES. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is an international treaty to prevent species from becoming endangered or extinct because of international trade.

Adding, the Crazy Critters organization has produced offspring from species currently found on the IUCN's Red List. Established in 1964, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species.

Crazy Critters Inc. is a self-funded organization that depends on the greenhouse nursery to pay for the cost of housing exotic animals. The facility grows and sells species of plants such as succulent and cactus to support the care of the animals. Many too are listed on the IUCN's Redlist.

We Grow Crazy Plants So We Can Care For Crazy Critters!

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