Double drop suspended ceiling almost set up.

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Some tools I used that made the job easier/possible. If you found any value out of this playlist, if you use my link I'll receive a small commission and it won't cost you anything. I'm greatly appreciative if you do!

I searched everywhere for videos on how to make a double drop for my basement renovation, and quite frankly there was nothing available. These videos are not high quality and had no video editing, so I ask that you don't hammer me too hard. I've only uploaded what I did to help give direction if you're as lost I was when I started. Consider these idea, I'm not a contractor, just a DIY'er that got some bad advice that I should do a drop ceiling instead of a drywall ceiling. It was too late to change by the time I figured out how much drop ceiling suck. Im working on better organizing the videos and trying to label them appropriately, but feel free to check through the other videos in this playlist and you may find the answer to your problem. The number one tip I can give you is to do a drywall ceiling.... Be sure to check with all your local building codes and the manufacturer recommendations prior to attempting to do a suspended ceiling.

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Hey folks, I know these videos are limited...Since I couldn’t find ANYTHING on a double drop for a suspended ceiling, I tried to video what I could with the hope that it may give you some insight as in how to go about it. I’m still working on organizing these videos and maybe some editing will come in the future. Check out the whole playlist if you didn’t find your answer here. I hope it helps someone out there. Best of luck with your project!
