Abomination of Desolation

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Near the very end of Christ’s mortal ministry, he prophesied about the destruction of Jerusalem. He was asked by his apostles when it would take place and his answer is recorded in Matthew 24. Verse 15 and 16 says [click] When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)  Then let them which be in Judæa flee into the mountains.” I personally believe that we need to better understand this prophesy as it was highlighted by Christ himself to better understand the last days signs of the times.
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Love these lessons. I get excited when I see a new one out.


Thank you. I’m amazed at how much we, the rank and file members do not know of such things.


Thank you for your lesson on Daniel. It is so nice that LDS members are teaching Bible and Scripture Prophecies. Until recently other Christian scholars have had that stage. Thank you so much.


Thank you for your podcast. All are fascinating and i always look forward to them! Thank you for all the research you do. There is so much going on in the world today, so much noise and deceiving voices and people out there!


Thanks for all the effort you put in your videos. You’re definitely my favorite YouTuber.


Thank you for clarifying what really "abomination of desolation" could mean. I love your videos and watch them many times.


Your videos are great and well supported by scripture and prophets. They are on par for me more than most of the other video content I come across. I found it really interesting to study ancient Jewish traditions on marriage. If you study the 3 parts that are in that culture. I think you will understand the scriptures better and the temple better. After studying that I realized just how much our endowment session is related to their 3 part ceremony of marriage. This includes as it mentions in DC the 30 minutes of silence, which they have before the bride decides if she wants to be married to the bridegroom. I found it very enlightening and a fascinating study/ Especially when you look at parts of our ceremony that have been taken out in recent years.


Thank you so much for this video. I remember seeing it while looking through some of your content for fun a couple sundays ago and thinking nothing special of it, but today i was reading that reference in Matthew and i wondered what it was about and knew i could come right here to learn, so yeah thank you so much!!


Turn it around and we have been living in the Desolation of Abomination world-wide for at least a decade' the Abomination of Desolation is yet to come!


Uh.... may I suggest...
The Olivet discourse is referenced 3 times in the New Testament and of course in JSM (which contains 2 A of D'). The Abomination is clearly defined by the Luke version: Matthew 24:15 "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel... (v.16) flee..."
Mark 13:14 "But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel... flee..."
Luke 21:20 "And when ye shall see JERUSALEM COMPASSED WITH ARMIES, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. V21 Then let them which are in Judea flee..."
This is the abomination, that Jerusalem would surrounded and threatened with imminent destruction (desolation). In the last days manifestation, it can only be held back by two authorized and appointed Prophets.
Right, the spoiling of the temple by Antiocus IV Epiphanies is seen by some as a type, but it is not the one Daniel is referring to in Daniel 9:24-27. Antiocus only defiled the Temple.
In Daniel 9, he warns of what actually happened between 66 and 70 AD when the Armies of General Cestius Gallus besieged (encompased) then withdrew from Jerusalem. At this point Christian escaped, heeding the warning of the Olivet discourse. Because... as Gallup was withdrawing to Cesarea Maritima his troops were attacked by jews and zealots. As a result, Nero lost all composure and dispatch General Vespasian and his son Titus to finish the job. Vespasian started in the north and swept over Israel and Judea like a flood (Daniel 9:26) and reestablished the encirclement of Jerusalem. But then... Nero dies June 9, 68 AD and after "the year of 4 cesars" Vespasian returns to Rome as the next Cesar (king) and his son Titus (prince: Daniel 9:29) is left to continue the conquest and intended capture of the city and temple. The fire that destroyed the temple was not intended but resulted in the Romans (the people of the prince that shall come 9:26), tearing the complex apart to recover the melted gold and silver from the treasure, fulfilling Christ's prophecy (Matt 23:34 - 24:2).
And don't fall into the Evangelical mistake of interpreting the "he" at the beginning of Daniel 9:27 as
👿The Antichrist👿. It's not. The singular male pronoun requires a singular male antecedent. The only qualified one is "messiah" referenced in v 26. The "he" is Messiah.
This changes everything regard Evangelical Dispensational eschatology. They need a boogey man to make a "pre-trib" rapture useful for their purpo$e$$$.
As to rebuilding the Temple. Yes, the Jews will rebuild the authorized temple in Jerusalem... but only... after being "puified" and "purged" ... " that they may offer unto the Lord an offering
as is seen in Malachi 3:1-6. Moroni quoted Malachi to Joseph Smith. John the Baptist referenced this passage when he ordained Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey.
B.R. McConkie is right that the temple will be built by the jews. But it can only be "pleasant unto the Lord" (v.4) AFTER the Sons of Levi have been "refined... purified... and purged" by the messenger of The Lord's covenant, THE One who is to come, THE purifier and THE Redeemer.
Doctrine and Covenants 45:51-53.
"And then shall the Jews look upon me and say: What are these wounds in thine hands and in thy feet?
Then shall they know that I AM the Lord... I am he who was lifted up. I am Jesus that was crucified. I am the Son of God.
...then shall they lament because they persecuted their King." Also 2 Nephi 10:3.
Daniel 9 was a prophecy to prepare Judea to accept their King. They were expecting him because of the timeline Daniel laid out. But most of Judea rejected him because He failed to meet their expectations, and Daniel gives in that prophecy a sign to them that Messiah had come and they rejected him. That sign would an abomination both spiritual and temporal, and that would bring a desolation, both spiritual and national.
Joseph Smith Matthew tells us we will see that sign again. And those who are looking for a different sign, will not.


I like what some other LDS podcasts have said. The thing's that have been foretold can happen multiple times. For instance the temple service bein taken away could of happened during covid. It could also happen in the future. The Lord doe's things and it doesn't always mean it was one event and thats it, one and done.
I do believe we are very close to his coming back in Glory.


Technically the BYU Jerusalem Center can be converted into a temple at anytime.
And its construction was done with Israeli construction engineer, Eliezer Rahat, with Israeli architect David Resnick. Thus fulfilling the prophecy of the Jerusalem temple being built by the Jews.


Back several years ago when President Trump was the president I remember Benjamin Netanyahu coming out and saying that they were starting to build a new Temple in Israel. I wonder if they have continued to do so and if so if that will play into these signs of the times


Good stuff, as always. I've yet to hear anything in your videos where I think "this guy is way out in left field."


Would you do a video about what treasures we would have in heaven?

Christ says that a few times and it’s mentioned in all the standard works, so what treasures are we working on here in mortality that would be waiting for us in heaven?

Being sealed with our family is one I think but what others?


Great videos. You mentioned the LDS interpretation of THE anti-christ. Please explain and how the book of Revelation and the end times in the Book of Mormon overlap, impact each other or do they? I really wish some in current Prophetic and Apostolic leadership in the Church would explain this


The "70th Week of Daniel" is never referred to as "the tribulation" (except by Christians with a misunderstanding of prophesy). Various examples of "tribulation" have been happening in the world for the past 2000 years. Jesus even told us that in the world we will have tribulation, as reaffirmed by other scripture (Jn.16:33; Rom.5:3). God's Word does, however, identify the second half of the "70th Week" as the Great Tribulation (Mt.24:21; Dan.9:27). So, even though the Church will experience "tribulation", we will NOT endure God's Wrath (1 Thes.1:10, 5:9; and Rom 5:9). When is God's Wrath poured out on the world?... During the later part of the Great Tribulation (probably about 5 months before Jesus' 2nd Coming - just enough time for the world to gather their armies at Armageddon). At Armageddon, God's Wrath is fully poured out.


Based on current construction process, it would take 8 to 10 years to build the 3 Temple. That depends on how large it will be. If we take all the signs of the times we have, as being literal. We have some time to go. We must watch, look and listen👍🇦🇺🙏


Daniel 12 is what Christ was referring to, specifically Danel 12 verse 11. Reading verses 8-12, Daniel learns some key things about the last abomination of desolation. Verses 8 and 9, this desolation is to happen in the last days ("sealed till the time of the end"). Verse 10, we learn only the righteous will recognize the timing of the sign. This is because the wicked do not make covenants with God, only the wise. The wise will understand because their covenants will lead them to the temple where the daily sacrifice is made. ("Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.")

On March 25, 2020, the temples closed worldwide and the daily sacrifice was ended for several months, 1290 days later just as Daniel said, on October 7th, 2023 Israel is attacked. 45 days later (1335 days) Israel announces a temporary cease fire and hostage exchange (only one so far). Note that Daniel says in verse 11 that the abomination of desolation is set up at this time, not that it is completed, but only set up. Seems to me like we are already there.


At about 4:30 - 4:40 you are speaking of desolation possibly meaning a lack of revelation - for a time. But we've been promised that the Priesthood will never be taken from the earth again. Are you thinking that even though we have the Priesthood that we won't be getting any revelation? What about Pres Nelson's statement that we'll need the Holy Ghost in order to survive spiritually. How does your comment about revelation being removed for a time, fit in these two things I mentioned?
