Alan Silvestri - Cast Away Theme (Cast Away Soundtrack) [HQ]

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The film's minimal score was composed by Alan Silvestri for which he won a Grammy Award in 2002. The film's soundtrack is most notable for its lack of score and creature sound effects (such as bird song or insect sounds) while Chuck is on the island, which is intended to reinforce the feeling of isolation. Cast Away contains no original musical score until Chuck escapes the island. However, there is a Russian choral piece heard near the start of the film that was not composed or even recorded by Silvestri, so it does not appear on the film's soundtrack list. It is a traditional Russian song written by Lev Knipper called "Oh, My Field" ("Polyushko, Polye") and it is available on various collections of Red Army hymns. The tracks in Silvestri's score are as follows:
Рекомендации по теме

Seems dumb but this movie brought me out of depression in college. The line "And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?" was my motto. I felt like Chuck on that island, but I brought myself back. And now I'm graduated in a full time job. And I've found myself back on that island. I am listening to this to bring myself back again.


the hardest goodbye is when you know you're never going to say hello again


A miracle has happened, my wife has made it home! Now the long rehab starts, but she is home.


Only Tom Hanks can make a volley ball's death one of the saddest moments in movie history.


There are moments in our lives when we need this song.


I want to thank the musicians who ate, slept and devoted their lives to their instruments, what you hear is countless hours of practice, putting so much feeling in their work. Without you this wouldn’t have touched so many lives.


As I listen to this song, I think about my wife who has suffered brain damage from a fall in our home due to a high Covid-19 fever. When I visit her it seems that she is somewhere else but in the moment with me at her side. I cry all the time. I feel her pain as she lies in bed for over two months. She loved this movie and this song. Please come back to me, Trudy? From your loving husband - Sal Caradonna


"....And I've lost her all over again." Makes me weep so hard when we this movie. Chuck never stopped loving Kelly even through the pain, the starvation, and the misery. All he could think about was her. Yet, even he knows he had to give her up in true love. "One day, the sun will rise! We have to keep breathing!"


This movie taught me about loss as a kid. I always hated that he didn't get to be with his wife when I was younger. Now I see the lesson is about facing loss and persevering. What a great movie


I lost my mum to cancer this year, I’m broken. I miss her terribly! This tune hits all the heart strings.


When me and my wife buried our little boy in 2014, he was 17 weeks old. I vowed not to say goodbye ever again. I listened to this over and over. Still hurts to this day.


Probably one of the most moving scenes ever in a film. When he looks back at the island as it dissappears whilst sitting on the raft, the island that kept him alive, simply beautiful .


How can a single man compose the Predator Theme, and this theme as well?
Alan Silvestri is a GENIUS.


Just sent this to my adult son who has been estranged for a couple of years now. I pray that he returns before it’s too late. I’m 74 and have leukemia among other health issues. I’m hoping that this music reaches and moves his heart.


I first saw this movie 20 years ago. I nearly cried at the goodbye Wilson scene and for a long time thought it was the saddest/most powerful scene in the movie. Now 20 some years later, after rewatching, I have a different opinion. When Chuck manages to beat that final boss tide and is sailing away from the island and yells to himself that he made it and looks back at the island and the soundtrack kicks in for the first time, that moment bought me to tears because it was like finally making it past a hard/dull period in your life but looking back regardless how bad it was, you can't help but feel a bit nostalgic because for a while that was your life. The island was Chuck's home for 4 years. With the uncertainty of his future on the ocean, he knew that regardless of what happens he'll never return to that island again. And another scene was when he said in that monologue towards that end that he's sad he lost Kelly but was glad she was with him on the island. In times of loneliness we cling to whatever we can in order to gain some hope and strength to face the tides that await us. Overall I thought this movie was amazing and it will stick with me for as long as I'll live and I'm grateful that once in a while I'll come back to it hopefully as a better person.


I lost my 2 sons to drugs, 1st one 19, the 2nd 24. This song breaks me in two parts. 💔. I look for strength to keep moving forward. I think of how final things are. I'll never have another chance to make things right, then my 10 year old grandson moved in with me, now I focus on keeping him safe, it's like it was meant this way. I see new life when I wanted to give up. This song opened my cold heart back up. Everyday I'm working through it. I miss my sons horribly, but now I have new reason to go on. In memory of my 2 sons who have passed. Even though my heart is broken, I find strength to push each day.


I think what people don't realize is when he looks back at the island as his raft carries him away and this song plays and then when he loses Wilson and this song plays those are pivotal moments to him letting go of his former self. Wilson and the island were the last remnants of his old self...they were what he occupied his time with and where he lived just trying to survive and live another day just hoping that he could go back home to his fiance some day. But he learned that time can steal all in life no matter how strong you are and how good of character you have within you...time can steal many things from you. Apart from the swanky job and cool clothes, the family dinners with 20 family members, his fiance, his bravado as a man, Chuck Noland was a survivor stranded on a deserted island and reinvented himself into a man that appreciated the more simple things in life and had to learn to live without love.


"I knew, somehow, that I had to stay alive. Somehow. I had to keep breathing. Even though there was no reason to hope. And all my logic said that I would never see this place again. So that's what I did. I stayed alive. I kept breathing. And one day my logic was proven all wrong because the tide came in, and gave me a sail. And now, here I am. I'm back. In Memphis, talking to you. I have ice in my glass... And I've lost her all over again. I'm so sad that I don't have Kelly. But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island. And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?"


This music gets into your soul and hope at the same time.


In my life (60+) I sometimes had the joy of hearing assorted music that made me feel being in touch with God. This is one of them. I am grateful.
