Raspberry Fingers | Sing with Cici | Kids Songs

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It's raspberry time! Grab some raspberries and sing along to this interactive, and tasty, summer song!



Five, five raspberry fingers
Five, five raspberry fingers
I get a little hungry, I go… *chomp*…*mmm*…chomp, chomp

Then I have
Four, four raspberry fingers
Four, four raspberry fingers
I get a little hungry, I go… *chomp*…*mmm*…chomp, chomp

Then I have
Three, three raspberry fingers
Three, three raspberry fingers
I get a little hungry, I go… *chomp*…*mmm*…chomp, chomp

Then I have
Two, two raspberry fingers
Two, two raspberry fingers
I get a little hungry, I go… *chomp*…*mmm*…chomp, chomp

Then I have
One, one raspberry finger
One, one raspberry finger
I get a little hungry, I go… *chomp*…*mmm*…chomp, chomp

Then I have
No more raspberry fingers
No more raspberry fingers
I get a little hungry, I go… *chomp*…*hmm* (Look at other hand)

I’m back to
Five, five raspberry fingers
Five, five raspberry fingers
Five, five raspberry fingers
Five, five raspberry fingers
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