Motion in a straight line class 11 | One shot | Chapter 3 Physics| CBSE | JEE | NEET

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0:00 Introduction
0:45 Motion.
2:26 Rectilinear
5:08 Scalar & vector
7:55 Path Length Vs Displacement
13:01 Speed Vs.Velocity
16:43 Distance - Time:Graph
28:43 Position -Time:Graph
37:49 Can Slope be negative
40:28 Position Time Graphs:Examples
45:06 Average & instantaneous Speed
51:26 Average & Instantaneous Velocity
52:16 Acceleration
54:00 Acceleration :V-T graph
1:02:10 When Accleration =0
1:02:59 Average & Instantaneous Acceleration
1:03:30 Velocity Time Graphs:Examples
1:10:52 Acceleration -Time Graph
1:17:34 Area under Velocity Time Graph=Displacement
1:20:06 Important Points:Position & Velocity Graphs
1:21:36 Example 1
1:25:46 Example 2
1:27:38 Kinematic Equations
1:30:27 Problem 1
1:38:14 Problem 2
1:42:35 Relative Velocity
1:44:51 Relative Velocity:Basics
1:50:28 Relative Velocity:Special Case
1:53:00 Relative Velocity:Problem
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Motion in a straight line is defined as “An object is said to be in motion if its position changes with time”. In this video we will cover:
1.What is motion?
2.What is rectilinear motion?
3.Intrepretation from different Position-Time Graph.
4.Define acceleration?
5.Acceleration from velocity time graph.
6.Some examples when acceleration can be 0.
7.Intrepretation from different velocity-time graphs.
8.Area under V-T curve gives us Displacement.
9.Example 1:-Given t=α^2+ βx, find retardation.
10.Example 2:- Given accleration a=3t+4, find velocity at t=2s.
11.Kinematic equations of motion.
12.Problem 1:-The position of a train at a time 2 sec is 100m from a station. If its velocity at the end of 2 sec and at the end of 10 sec are 5m/sec and 20m/sec respectively. Find the position of the train at the end of 10sec?
13.Problem 2:-A car moving along a straight highway with speed of 108 km h–1 is brought to a stop within a distance of 200 m. What is the retardation of the car (assumed uniform), and how long does it take for the car to stop ?
14.Two parallel rail tracks run north-south Train A moves north with a speed of 54kmh−1 and train B moves south with a speed of 90kmh−1. What is the a. relative velocity of B with respect to A? b. relative of a monkey running on the roof of the train A against its motion (with its velocity of 18kmh1 with respect to the train A ) as observed by a man standing on the ground?

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Roshni Mukherjee, the Founder-Educator at LearnoHub has been building this free learning platform since 2011. She has been recognised as one of the 100 Women Achievers of India by the Ministry of Women & Child Development and felicitated by the President of India in 2016. Roshni has been invited by Google to speak at Global Education Symposium 2017 held at Google Headquarters, California. Limca Book of Records also recognized our work.

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Рекомендации по теме

Mam u r doing so good.. we thank u so much.. u r creating a free platform and I guess everyone will agree that u teach better than our schl and tution teachers who takes so much money.. U deserve soo much.. May u get what u deserve🙏
I have also joined ur telegram grp and it's damn helpful.. just a day ago I was asking a question from my teacher and she was just ignoring me but U solved my question in just a day.. thank u so much


0:00 Introduction
0:45 Motion.
2:26 Rectilinear
5:08 Scalar & vector
7:55 Path Length Vs Displacement
13:01 Speed Vs.Velocity
16:43 Distance - Time:Graph
28:43 Position -Time: Graph
37:49 Can Slope be negative
40:28 Position Time Graphs: Examples
45:06 Average & instantaneous Speed
51:26 Average & Instantaneous Velocity
52:16 Acceleration
54:00 Acceleration: V-T graph
1:02:10 When Acceleration =0
1:02:59 Average & Instantaneous Acceleration
1:03:30 Velocity Time Graphs: Examples
1:10:52 Acceleration -Time Graph
1:17:34 Area under Velocity Time Graph=Displacement
1:20:06 Important Points:Position & Velocity Graphs
1:21:36 Example 1
1:25:46 Example 2
1:27:38 Kinematic Equations
1:30:27 Problem 1
1:38:14 Problem 2
1:42:35 Relative Velocity
1:44:51 Relative Velocity:Basics
1:50:28 Relative Velocity:Special Case
1:53:00 Relative Velocity:Problem


Legends are completing 11th in 11 days.


why is she never boring? how can someone be so


Dear random person scrolling through comments,
you are not too late and you can still make are more than capable to still crack neet..just be serious and consistent from now on.. I promise YOU DONT NEED TO FEEL PRESSURED OR ANY KIND OF ANXIETY FOR STARTING LATE...KICK THE REGRET IN THE ASS AND JUST START STUDYING..

Edit:Thanks for so many likes and I hope that none of us lose hope and at the end get the result that we wish and work so hard for...
Love, don't stress ✨


I usually watch physics wallah... But tomorrow exam and no time to watch 15 one hour lectures.... So came here to watch a 2 Hr BTW ma'am u teach very good😅😅🙏


Legends watching before their offline half-yearly exams


0:00 Introduction
0:45 Motion.
2:26 Rectilinear
5:08 Scalar & vector
7:55 Path Length Vs Displacement
13:01 Speed Vs.Velocity
16:43 Distance - Time:Graph
28:43 Position -Time:Graph
37:49 Can Slope be negative
40:28 Position Time Graphs:Examples
45:06 Average & instantaneous Speed
51:26 Average & Instantaneous Velocity
52:16 Acceleration
54:00 Acceleration :V-T graph
1:02:10 When Accleration =0
1:02:59 Average & Instantaneous Acceleration
1:03:30 Velocity Time Graphs:Examples
1:10:52 Acceleration -Time Graph
1:17:34 Area under Velocity Time Graph=Displacement
1:20:06 Important Points:Position & Velocity Graphs
1:21:36 Example 1
1:25:46 Example 2
1:27:38 Kinematic Equations
1:30:27 Problem 1
1:38:14 Problem 2
1:42:35 Relative Velocity
1:44:51 Relative Velocity:Basics
1:50:28 Relative Velocity:Special Case
1:53:00 Relative Velocity:Problem


Some studying in 2024 just for class test 😂


Finally koi Mila Jo physics ko itna easily samjh rha h 😢


Finally found someone who is summarising and understanding the Whole chapter so good....!


tommrow is my exam of physics i start watching 1 shot videos to just score decent marks 😂😂😂


Basically Everyone's Story...
*Not Studied Full Year Due to Corona*
*Concepts Not Clear In School Online Class*
*Feeling Ashamed And Finally started Studying in Mid Feb*
*Exams are coming near (March)*
*Binge Watching Learnohub at 2x*


Tomorrow is my half yearly exam of Physics and I'm still learning the concepts. Damn, I didn't join a Physics tution.😥


How many of you like when she says... concept honge crystal clear ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏


Two minutes silence for that kid who was finding his toys


Me starting Ch3 in the end of November😂😂
Online classes ripped me off😅😅


Mam makes everything easy ❤️
And mam travels many places while teaching 😂😂


D-T graph : 25:00
P-T graph : 31:10
ACCn V-T graph: 54:00
Displacement V-T graph : 1:17:30


Mam loved her school and her home...The most😂
