How We Might Be Able To See And Work With Our Chi Energy (Pk) With The Use Of Schlieren Photography

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Sorry for the drop in audio near the end of the video. Had Some mic issues there. What I was trying to say was that schlieren photography can possibly show your chi energy effecting objects from distances as you've seen Trevor seven and I do. Spinning Psi wheels and rolling cans. Although we didn't have a schlieren photography set recording us. Now we can focus on the chi with this photography and effect objects from distances as well. One thing I wanted to add from my research is that we might be changing thermal signatures around objects to effect them. Even at distances. Our mind manipulates the ambient energy to change in temputure and this effects the cool air around the object. There are also quantum changes happening as well with the atoms. As you can see it's more complex. This is why we must work on developing control of the object. Like Psi wheels and others to prove this ability true. I've developed control very well on Psi wheels. As many of my follow telekinetics have.
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Sorry for the drop in audio near the end of the video. Had Some mic issues there. What I was trying to say was that schlieren photography can show your chi energy effecting objects from distances as you've seen Trevor seven and I do. Spinning Psi wheels and rolling cans. Although we didn't have a schlieren photography set recording us. Now we can focus on the chi with this photography and effect objects from distances as well.


That sweet, when I get the funds for the tools needed, I want to set up my own as well.


This is really cool Ricky. Looking forward to seeing you do some TK with this. Thanks for sharing.


All human energy like thermal, emotional, and bioelectrical is chi energy. That is what used by the body and mind to control and manipulate objects in our reality. We use these energies to move, burn or electrify anything. The oxygen we breath is chi energy as well.

One thing I wanted to add from my research is that we might be changing thermal signatures around objects to effect them. Even at distances. Our mind manipulates the ambient energy to change in temputure and this effects the cool air around the object. There are also quantum changes happening as well with the atoms. As you can see it's more complex. This is why we must work on developing control of the object. Like Psi wheels and others to prove this ability true. I've developed control very well on Psi wheels. As many of my follow telekinetics have.


Hi Mad Cat! First thanks for all your work and contribution to the planetary collective, this is amazing ability we can all develope, with your experience so far wich is the best material for making a Psi Wheel? Thanks(:
