Climate scientists alarmed by record-high ocean temperatures

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Water temperatures are warming at an unprecedented rate, with 40% of global oceans currently experiencing a heat wave. It's the largest global ocean heat wave recorded since 1991. ABC News Chief Meteorologist Ginger Zee has more.

#ABCNews #climatechange #globalwarming #heatwave #watertemperature
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Insurance companies don’t play around and already dropping coverages.


It's scary to think about what our planet will be like in a few decades given that this is just the early stages :(


I remember back in the 90s when they talked about global warming and climate change, everyone including myself kind of brushed it off. Around 2005 is when I started actually listening to the people who knew what the hell they were talking about, those with an education, and those with nothing to gain. And now we are here at the beginning of the end, and it’s our own fault. You would think we would be intelligent enough to listen to those who are educated, however, we decided to listen to conspiracy, theories or media selling points. When you ask why the youth of today is choosing not to have children, what is the point of raising a child in a world that is doomed?


WE live like our actions have no consequences, Well the bill comes due!


Hurricanes are going to be horrendous this year


Coldest summer for the rest of our lives. It can only get worse until emissions stop. It’s that simple.


It has been mentioned in other quarters that the insect population is crashing. We live in Southern Oregon, having moved from the SF Bay Area eight years ago. When we moved here, we were plagued by gnats, flies, and wasps from Spring to Summer. Since then, year by year we have noticed a steady decline, and this year, there are practically no flies, and no wasps or gnats at all. There are fewer birds, as well. Make of that what you will...
This catastrophe was seen coming in the 1960s, but those who predicted it were systematically excoriated or disenfranchised as loonies and doom-sayers. It is notable that a major portion of the population still believes that the people who really care about our species continued existence on This Island Earth are nutters. They are so adamant that the glaciers are not melting, sea level is not rising, and it's all a hoax. Well, good luck with that. Reality has a way of biting you in the butt...


People underestimate cumulative effects. Think about all the chemical contaminants that show up in our food and water that are considered safe at a certain dose, but then consider all the different ingredients that go into the products people consume, causing those chemicals to be combined multiple times over and interact with each other, and the quantities people consume each day, week, year that allows those chemicals to build up internally. What was considered a safe dose suddenly becomes magnitudes greater. The same type of effect happens with climate change. We know that certain things in isolation cause gradual warming, but put everything together in synergy and suddenly much more rapid warming occurs. I think people are grossly underestimating how much warming is going to occur and how rapidly it will occur.


Let's pray we get no hurricanes. If we do there will be stronger & more devastating than ever.


We have extremely violent weather, and this is just the beginning of a warming planet. I fear what's going to happen as the planet continues to warm up at this ridiculous pace. We are seriously screwed.


hearing this news sounds like an opening scene in a natural disaster movie. reading news like this everyday is just crazy. In a single country, one place would experience a heat wave and another part would see deadly flooding. I wonder how bad can this get and how bad does it have to be for everyone to do something.


Wouldn't it have been nice if the insurance companies had lent their voices to the calls that climate change was a very real emergency? Having the money people speaking out against fossil fuels would have been the only way that the scientists would have gotten a fair hearing. Now, it's ridiculous. Thank you for these accurate reports though.


If you scuba dive or snorkel. the water 20 feet below is like 10 degrees cooler. the deeper the colder.


There's a large group of Americans that think this is great. They also like raging wildfires, devastating floods, destructive tornadoes, record breaking temperatures, plagues of insects, polluted air, rising sea levels, erosion and landslides. This group is commonly referred to as Republicans.


I live in western PA, in my 49 years on this earth, we had about 4” of snow all winter. The least amount of snow I can remember.


My heart aches for future generations who won’t get to experience or enjoy the same type of lifestyle that we all did 😢


Be careful, those temps are favorable to certain bacterium.


Ginger Zee in shorts...I could watch all day.
FOUR to SEVEN degrees warmer than average for this time of year. That doesn't sound good!


I remember growing up in Vancouver BC, having to wear a snowsuit every winter for months at a time. I don't think any kid has to do that anymore there.


As a 36 year old who has been beaten down time and time again by the United States and how great we are supposed to be, I'm at least glad to be around for all these millionaires to lose their beach houses. I'm ready for the apocalypse at this point
