My spanking story now: Go 2 comments I have a note for you guys #mua #makeupstorytime #storytime

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On my last video, hundreds of you shared harrowing stories of childhood abuse and spanking. My sister and I both read through your comments and were saddened your stories. You aren’t alone. I love you. Although we are all strangers to each other, a lot of us are living parallel lives. Thank you for sharing your stories and for your vulnerability. I hope we all find happiness and healing together.


Spanking with belts is not spanking. It’s hellish torture. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


My father used to spank us until we were red. If we even flinched we got an extra 2 or 3. Even now, years later, I still flinch when people raise their hands around me. I’ve often been told that spankings aren’t that bad, but they can mentally scar a child.


I can honestly relate to this. My brother completely tormented me for days on how I was going to get spanked with a belt. I hid for days only coming out for school aka running to the school bus. I didn't sleep very well or shower. In the end he was B.Sing me and my parents didn't realize until I fell asleep in class and my teacher saw negligence and assumed it was my parents. They sent CPS and they played it off as if they had no clue. I was 8 and forgotten because I am the middle child. Now as a 15 year old female I am told I am crazy and that it never happened. It wild what parents say to try to make their behavior acceptable.


Someone once told me that when siblings constantly endure abuse as kids from parents or parental figures that they often either fight for themselves or band together. My family had a nice even distribution of boys and girls. There’s nothing quite like a sister, and I feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t have them. I feel the same way about my brothers too! There is something about being female in a conservative environment that’s difficult to articulate to people who haven’t experienced it.


You are an angel for forgiving your parents, especially after everything.


My mother was severely abused as a child. Her parents were incredibly abusive from a young age, and at one point, she was molested by her uncle. My father’s chidlhood wasn’t as bad, but my grandfather would often hit him for no reason.

Because of this, my mom had sociopathic tendencies, and would often think through decisions, and would be able to predict what people would do if they chose certain things. I am able to do the same thing, though not nearly to the same degree. I do it partly because she’s tried to reach it to me as a “life skill”, partially because I learned it myself, tiptoeing around both of my parents when they were angry.

My mother should be very fucked up, and for a little while she was. She’s no where near as bad as her parents were, but she tends to do things that reveal things about her childhood.

Whenever she got mad at me, she’d call me over and smack the back of my hand so hard it would sometimes bruise. I had a cork board when I was 5, where I’d tack papers up. I got some new smiley faced thumb tacks, and I’d sometimes drop them, which would be dangerous for my baby sister. She made me throw them all out, not before asking me if I’d like one in my eye and shoving it towards my eye in a fit of rage. I once spilled a glass of chocolate milk, and she called me an insolent greedy little pig. I was 7.

My father has a bad temper. He’s never hit me, but he often yells at me for no reason and takes his temper from bad work days or fights with my mom out on me. It seems tame compared to what I said about my mom, but it’s left a lot of resentment in our relationship.

My parents are by no means perfect and I love them a lot, but this is all shit I need to work out in therapy.


My dad used a belt too. As a kid I thought it was so normal, but now that I’m an adult, I realize how disturbing it is. I couldn’t do that to someone. I have little cousins who get on my nerves, but if their dad ever spanked them I’d throw fists. How do you get so angry and violent towards someone who’s literally 4 feet tall? You have to have some unrelated rage inside you that you’re projecting onto the kid. Nobody deserves that, much less someone who you SHOULD be protecting from harm.


You are creating a community of survivors and I'm so thankful for the space! When you share your life experiences and come to see the comments, it makes me realize that I'm not alone, there's a lot of us going through the healing process of similar life experiences and now we have each other 🤗


I got spanked as a kid. My mom usually did it and she always said that she didn't like doing it so it was more like a pat on the butt and a lot of yelling and even then that was rare, usually we got sent to our rooms or got things taken away (toys, video games, etc). However, once my dad hit me so hard I had a print on my butt and it bruised. I can't remember what it was about but I remember I was so upset about it and I had a hard time trusting him after. It was over something stupid as hell too I know that. He did apologize and he even cried after realizing how hard he'd hit me. He never did it again after that and that was probably the first and only time I ever got spanked by him as a kid. Note: my dad isn't a bad person, it was a combination of he was really mad, he's a giant guy and didn't realize how rough he was being, I was an older kid (maybe 7 or 8) was small for my age and bruised easily (still do). Like I said he felt really bad about it and never did it again. I think it was just a bad one-off day. Even so it goes to show that spanking your kids isn't okay since I literally cowered whenever he even so much as spoke to me for awhile after that, even after the apology because I was scared if I did something wrong it would happen again.


You’re so beautiful and deserved better.


I used to get spanked with rubber rods. If we hid or tried to get out of a spanking, we would be in bigger trouble. Those spanks were humiliating. We would have to pull down our pants and underwear so the spank would hurt the most.


U have the best voice for narration... u could make money doing audiobook voice overs or something similar.


Be punished with a belt was a bad experience, the reason are not human.
For my father mistake is not human so when i was not able to spell a word i deserve the belt for every wrong answer same if i don't answer but i was so scared to answered him.

If i cant fail i will never learn but his violence was logic for him.

I support you for your bad experience.


i got the belt a lot. i was a screwup as a kid. undiagnosed childhood depression, untreated adhd, you know how it is. i very frequently would find out i had screwed up again when i heard my name screamed from another room, or i heard angry footsteps coming to my bedroom door.

i remember the first time i decided i must be uniquely unlovable was when i was about three or four. i remember exactly where i was and what was going on. i remember the distinct realization.

i knew grown-ups were allowed to make the decisions in their own homes, so it stood to reason that if they did something, it must be because they wanted to. and if they wanted to hit me, and were unmoved by my tears, it must be because they didn't like me.

i didn't realize how much it messed me up until i was about eighteen and i heard my dad getting ready for work down the hall. i heard his belt buckles clink together as he took one out to put it on and i panicked. just for a second i was eight years old again.


When I was younger, I got spanked a lot too. A lot of times, it was because i got a “frowny face” mark at school (if you did something bad they would put a frowny face on that day) and my mom would only give me certain treats if I got to blue or purple on the clip chart. I remember one time, I was with my little brother in my parents’ bedroom watching tv with him. He was sitting right in front of me, and I don’t know what I did, but according to my mom maybe I was leaning on him too much and it hurt him? I don’t remember cause it’s been years, but it wasn’t something I deserved a spanking for. She grabbed a paddle and spanked the living shit out of me, leaving a good sized red mark on my arm. I was in first grade, and one day I was in class when the school counselor entered the room and asked me to come with her. So she took me to her room and started asking me questions about how I got the red mark, why, etc. I gave the most accurate description I could, pretty accurate for a 6 year old. My dad was fighting for custody at the time, so ofc he tried to use it against her, although she wasn’t charged or anything. But, after all those years, my mom is actually a completely different person, and it’s amazing. Spanking is traumatic for me though.


As a child, my mom was the one who did all of the spanking. I got the belt a few times, but the majority was either with the hand or the chancla. My mom also wasn't afraid to slap you in public. The sheer embarrassment of it all!!


I got the belt too, but I don't really remember any of them bc I was so young. One of the only times I remember is a when I was like 6 or 7. I'd decided I was going to walk to my grandparents house after school to prove that I could. My dad got so panicked he ended up calling the cops, even tho I was gone for less than 20 minutes. My grandpa drove me back to my school, where I saw my dad, & multiple cop cars in the school parking lot. My dad managed to contain his rage in front of the cops, but when we got home, he took me directly to his bedroom, took a belt off the wall, then I was in their closet. I don’t remember anything else from that day. Scary as hell.




My mother used to straight up break random items over my backside for literally anything from not getting good enough grades to it being my fault my little sisters misbehaved. Eventually, I learned a pattern with her punishment, and I used it to my advantage. Basically, she wanted me to react by screaming and crying. If I didn't cry, she would hit longer and harder until I cried, then she would finally stop. If I cried after the first swing, she would only hut me a maximum of 3 more times then send me to the corner or my room. So, I always acted like that first swing was the most painful of my life and would cry like I was dying just to get her to stop after 3. The spankings didn't stop until I was 13 and "too old for spankings, " but that's how I survived most of my childhood.

Another form of punishment she liked was taking away the opportunity for me to eat dinner. From about the time I turned 8 to when I was 18, if spankings weren't a good enough punishment for whatever reason, my mom would refuse to serve me dinner that night, and I wouldn't eat until the next day at either breakfast when I would get to school and have the free breakfast, or lunch time if I was home for the weekend and looking to stay out of my mother's way. Up until i was 13, my older sister would sneak food into the room after my mother and dad had settled in for the night, though it was normally a slice of sandwich cheese, a piece of bread, and a water bottle. She ended up moving out when I was 13, but she always promised me that she would always be looking out for me as best she could, and she did her best to keep her promise by visiting every chance she had just to make sure I was doing okay.

Still not sure what hurt more... The spankings I was able to work into a system to avoud as much pain as possible, or the fact that my mother was so willing to starve me because of her anger problems...
