Archer's Words || Ideals

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"'An ideal is only an ideal after all. As long as you embrace that ideal, the friction with reality will continue to increase. So you will someday face reality and will have to pay the price for your compromises." #Archer


Think about the words, learn from it and become wiser!

Edited by Words Beyond Fiction.

//Softwares Used

★ Audacity
★ Adobe Photoshop 2020
★ Vegas Pro 17


★Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel (2019)


★Instagram: @wordsbeyondfiction


I edit these videos to help myself and others. If any issue is found, please contact me and it will be solved in no time.
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Emiya: People die when they are killed!

Archer: "You are not just a clown, you are the whole circus"


Those who truly believe and dedicate their lives to helping others know that all that awaits them is pain and ingratitude, but some of them do their best and hope that at least one of the children can be inspired to some day lift the torch and light even more than the person that inspired them.


"Nobody gets to say my dream is stupid except me!"
"Your dream is stupid Shirou!"


Kenpachi: "You mean you need a reason to fight?"


Archer: Ideals
Emiya: People die when they are killed


“I don't know if it was correct or not.
Nobody will be able to determine that.
The beautiful things are ugly and ugly things are beautiful.
There is nothing disgusting, once you look at it objectively.
So why is there such a deviation in world?
Sophistry, falsehood, trickery and vanity.”
- Emiya Shirou


Archer sounds just so tired. He's repeated this speech so many times to himself and maybe others that he's just done with it. Especially with Emiya who's everything he was and is working towards everything he wanted.


I truly loved this anime it showcases a pure-hearted person who definitely would have gone to heaven had he not sacrificed everything to help people.


Helping others is a thankless action. It may never be acknowledged by others. But it can have lasting effects.

Like lighting a fire for for a stranger in a cold night. The stranger may not have asked for it, but they may be thankful for this action. The stranger can share this with someone else, and then shared with another. This new warmth may spread, affecting more, and more people. Reaching out farther than ever conceived. The person who started the fire my never be remembered, but their actions can live forever.

But the fire must be tended to. If left alone, the heat will wither, and die, and we all return to a cold world.

It is not wrong to help a person, but know that it comes with a risk. Give to much, and you will burn yourself out. Sometimes just a little can go farther than to much.


EMIYA: you wanna talk about the moon let's talk about the moon



this is easily one of the most underrated channels ive ever seen, i can and have rewatched so many of your videos end on end. also i recommend anything from fullmetal alchemist or doflamingos speech at marineford from one piece


The tragedy of Shirou, and by extension EMIYA, is that ideals cannot exist in this world. Or rather, that this world doesn't deserve ideals. And yet all the same, we, like them, are pulled forward by such lofty ideals, like a ray of light peeking through the cover of fog. Not simply because we want to, but because, at the end of the day, it's *necessary.*


Archer : Right Emiya?
Emiya : aghh, aghh, aghh, aghh


Emiya takes "suicide" to a whole other level. I mean, if you're always saving others at the cost of yourself, then you might as well save no one. Throwing your life away won't get anyone anywhere. You can't save everyone, that's just not feasible. You need something more tangible to fight for, rather than just a bunch of nameless faces. One must need a reason to do something in order to actually do so. Emiya's doing what he is solely because he can. Because he's supposedly the only one who can. That's not healthy.


There will never be a series better at talking about the ideals, beliefs, and philosophy of it's characters.


I think what archer critiques here is very important.

1) this shows us that the main theme of FSN (“conquering oneself”) is heavily related to free will and determinism. This is why archer brings up the idea of borrowed ideals, and warns Shirou that his ideals must be his own.

2) contrary to what most of the people here think, I do not believe archer is critiquing idealism at all. He said “if you fight for an ideal, you can only save ideals”, this hardly sounds like he dislikes ideals, infact it more so shows us the consequence of following an ideal without elements of realism. Looking back on it, I don’t think Shirou is fighting for anyone else, he’s fighting for his ideals, he’s not fighting for the people. Yes, his ideal is to help others, but that’s the thing, his motivation doesn’t properly align to helping others. He cares more about the ideal itself than the actual part about “helping others”.

3) point 2) is also important because it opens the gateway thematically to heavens feel (whose main theme is “the friction between the real and ideal”). The element of realism comes into play in this route, Shirou abandons the idea of fighting for an ideal, he chooses to fight for Sakura matou, in HF what archer says here resolves the issue, Shirou fought for Sakura, so he saved Sakura. Archer said if you fight for an ideal, you will only save ideals. Shirou resolves this as previously stated.

4) salivation through the hands of another is never true, this is supported from archers similie/analogy to currency. He tell us, it gets passed down from one person and then given to the next. I think archer shows us what this idea of tradition entails. And I believe he’s saying it entails in the rejection of free will and rationality. Some form of cultural or social determinism. Showing us the determinism alongside of free will is directly related to Fate Stay Nights main theme of conquering oneself.

5) archers whole dialogue points to a conclusion. This conclusion he tells us in one word. MEANINGLESSNESS. The ultimate form of nihilism. If you’re fighting for an ideal, and only for that ideal, and not for what that ideal ACTUALLY is (meaning you will only save ideals), and if you have no free will to choose to opt out of this ideal, and disregarding the realism behind this ideal, then it points to the word MEANINGLESS. Archer’s whole dialogue showed us what properties and conditions were needed for something or specifically an ideal to be MEANINGLESS. That’s why when Shirou saves Sakura in heavens feel, it’s meaningful, because Shirou made the choice between the ideal and real, showing us that he developed free Will from his cultural determinism, Shirou saves Sakura, he saves specifically her, not the ideal itself, Shirou broke the chain of tradition that he inherited from kiritsugu emiya, meaning his choices were not deterministic in HF, and under Archer’s worldview, heavens feel Shirou and his ending are MEANINGFUL.


Nasu is a hardcore realist respect unlike many people on the planet he understands the dark reality of the world and tries to pass that reality down on to others


*FOR ME Anime isn't just "an anime" or else it wouldn't have impacted so many people, connect, even brighten us, the community that has formed around this is something to behold. Thank you to the people who write manga and anime you've truly touched many of our hearts and have carved a legacy for many to remember. Its not just an anime.. its a teacher, its a lesson, its a motivator, and its something that helps you become who you want to be, its a booster in learning your path and if you try to tell me otherwise ill tell you that's your opinion, this is mine*


Archer: *says something.

Emiya: Ahahg

Archer: *says something more

Emiya: ohagh

Archer: "speaks again

Emiya: Ahhahg


Archer hating Shirou is the literal version of someone hating themself
