Just some morning chat time with you!

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I have days like that as well. Have a nice weekend 🤗😘


Hiya Lori! Nice to hear things are leveled off to a medium day. A medium is a great day to someone (especially you, recently) and maybe a bad day to someone else who had an amazing yesterday. Got to milk those good days for everything they are worth for sure! But a medium day means you are safe, comfortable and have the luxury of being a little bored. To me, that's a fantastic day!!! :)


I love when you mentioned the Fall-I too cannot wait till then! Funny how us women will declutter things around our house but we always have room for our Christmas bins! Love Christmas!! 😉 Thanks for the house visit!


For your burnt plants on the porch, at garden supply stores you can get a nylon screen that will filter the sunlight . They also have some that are on rollers so you can roll them up and down as you need the protection.


I’m about the same age as you, and yes life has really changed. The kids are grown and busy with their lives and somehow nobody is around. I get you, totally. I’m dealing with caring for my husband and that gives me tasks, but I yearn for some fun and laughter, but not much of that happening right now. I began painting about 10 yrs ago and love art. That is my therapy much of the time. I also made inspiration bracelets for some organizations for women with cancer. Once you retire it’s like a fish out of water, learning to relax is hard for me. Take care.


I have never had plantains, so I am anxious to see how they turn out.
My poor outside plants and trees are taking a beating from the sun just like yours. I don’t know what is going on this summer, but when I drive around, everyone’s look the same. Hopefully they will all make it until fall. Hopefully we all can make it until fall! How I hate the summer months!
Today I had about 2 hours of weed eating to do, so I was out there by 7:30 to get it done before the heat kicked in. The rest of the day was cleaning and starting the laundry for the week.
Hope the rest of your day was good!


I had that film on my lilac some kind of blight. I cut mine down to the ground two yrs.ago. coming back nicely. You may want to google info. Your place is lovely. I'm not crazy about plantain. Let me know if you like them. Take care always!😊


Today is a bitter sweet day. My granddaughter left today to live up in Ithaca NY. I'm in Manhattan; so she'll be four hours away from me. Well I'm happy that she's on her way to live an independent life, I'm sad because I will miss having her around. So to keep from being too lonely all day I went to my braille class and did some socializing with friends. Peace, love and blessing.


Great video. I enjoy this video and I am doing mighty well.


Plantains you can put them in a 250° oven until the skin turns black. Then they'll be sweet.
While there still green / yellow You would cut them in medallions and you would boil them a few minutes, smash them What the fork keeping the shape of The medallion, then fry them in A skillet with oil or deep fry them then right out of the pan salt them you can put a little squeeze a bit of lime on them and they're like french fries. Yum


Have lots of days like that dont know why maybe its just life or maybe we're doing something wrong
