Getting Started with WebdriverIO | Complete Tutorial for Beginners Step by Step
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00:00 Introduction
01:18 What is WebdriverIO
02:02 Features of WebdriverIO
03:30 Software and Hardware Requirements
06:24 How to install Nodejs on windows os
14:27 IDE (Visual Studio Code)
*Project Setup*
16:35 Create a new folder and open in IDE (VS Code)
19:57 Open terminal and run command *npm init -y*
23:14 Install webdriverio using command *npm init wido* and select options as needed
31:12 Check webdriverio version *npm ls webdriverio*
31:51 How to run tests in webdriverio project
*npm run wide*
35:30 How to create tests in webdriverio project
48:07 How to create allure reports in webdriverio project
56:25 Outro
*What is WebdriverIO*
Automation testing framework for browser and mobile testing
Free & Open-source
owned by a non-profit entity called OpenJS Foundation
We can use WebdriverIO to automate:
🌐 modern web applications written in React, Vue, Angular etc
📱 hybrid or native mobile apps running on emulator/simulator or real device
Can work with Shadow DOM and React Objects
*Hardware & Software Requirements*
Desktop or Laptop with min 4GB RAM, 5 GB free space
Node JS - v12.16.1 or higher
IDE (for JavaScript)
*Project Setup & WebdriverIO Installation*
Step 1 - Create a new folder and open in IDE (VS Code)
Step 2 - Open terminal in VS Code and run commands npm init -y
npm init wdio
Step 3 - Select the options as required and install
Step 4 - Check WebdriverIO version npm ls webdriverio
Step 6 - To run existing tests
npm run wdio
*How to create Tests*
Step 1 - Create a new file under spec folder
Step 2 - Add the test script using it block (mocha)
describe('Demo Tests', () => {
it('My 1st Test', async () => {
await $('[name="q"]').setValue("WebdriverIO");
await $('button[type="submit"]').click();
$() Single dollar sign to find a single web element
$$() Double dollar sign to find multiple web elements
*How to Generate and View Reports*
Step 1 - Run - npm install @wdio/allure-reporter --save-dev
Step 3 - Run test and check Allure Results folder is generated
Step 4 - Install allure command line tool npm install -g allure-commandline --save-dev
Step 5 - Run commands
allure generate allure-results // this will generate allure-report folder
allure open // will start server and open report
Every LIKE & SUBSCRIPTION gives me great motivation to keep working for you
You can support my mission for education by sharing this knowledge and helping as many people as you can
If my work has helped you, consider helping any animal near you, in any way you can
Raghav Pal
01:18 What is WebdriverIO
02:02 Features of WebdriverIO
03:30 Software and Hardware Requirements
06:24 How to install Nodejs on windows os
14:27 IDE (Visual Studio Code)
*Project Setup*
16:35 Create a new folder and open in IDE (VS Code)
19:57 Open terminal and run command *npm init -y*
23:14 Install webdriverio using command *npm init wido* and select options as needed
31:12 Check webdriverio version *npm ls webdriverio*
31:51 How to run tests in webdriverio project
*npm run wide*
35:30 How to create tests in webdriverio project
48:07 How to create allure reports in webdriverio project
56:25 Outro
*What is WebdriverIO*
Automation testing framework for browser and mobile testing
Free & Open-source
owned by a non-profit entity called OpenJS Foundation
We can use WebdriverIO to automate:
🌐 modern web applications written in React, Vue, Angular etc
📱 hybrid or native mobile apps running on emulator/simulator or real device
Can work with Shadow DOM and React Objects
*Hardware & Software Requirements*
Desktop or Laptop with min 4GB RAM, 5 GB free space
Node JS - v12.16.1 or higher
IDE (for JavaScript)
*Project Setup & WebdriverIO Installation*
Step 1 - Create a new folder and open in IDE (VS Code)
Step 2 - Open terminal in VS Code and run commands npm init -y
npm init wdio
Step 3 - Select the options as required and install
Step 4 - Check WebdriverIO version npm ls webdriverio
Step 6 - To run existing tests
npm run wdio
*How to create Tests*
Step 1 - Create a new file under spec folder
Step 2 - Add the test script using it block (mocha)
describe('Demo Tests', () => {
it('My 1st Test', async () => {
await $('[name="q"]').setValue("WebdriverIO");
await $('button[type="submit"]').click();
$() Single dollar sign to find a single web element
$$() Double dollar sign to find multiple web elements
*How to Generate and View Reports*
Step 1 - Run - npm install @wdio/allure-reporter --save-dev
Step 3 - Run test and check Allure Results folder is generated
Step 4 - Install allure command line tool npm install -g allure-commandline --save-dev
Step 5 - Run commands
allure generate allure-results // this will generate allure-report folder
allure open // will start server and open report
Every LIKE & SUBSCRIPTION gives me great motivation to keep working for you
You can support my mission for education by sharing this knowledge and helping as many people as you can
If my work has helped you, consider helping any animal near you, in any way you can
Raghav Pal