Haikyuu!! S4 Episode 21 & 23 OST - The Birth of The Serene King (HQ Cover)

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Haikyuu!! Season 4: To the Top Part 2 Episode 21 Emotional Soundtrack (Setter) / Miya Atsumu's Emotional Theme
Another Omnivorous alternate version?

❖ Composed by Yuki Hayashi (林 ゆうき)
❖ Arranged/Cover by Dude'sCover
❖ Anime: Haikyuu!! (ハイキュー!!)

❖ Give me your suggestions for the next anime soundtrack cover in the comment section!

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one of the things I loved about the episode is when everyone cheered for osamu and didn't appreciate atsumu's low to the floor set, ukai saw it as a thing of beauty and stood up to clap. On top of that atsumu didn't care about how the set was perceived he only wanted to give the best possible set he can to his team and was so happy that he was able to set. God I just love the fucking passion


I'm a manga reader and, like i said friday after the episode, maybe it's ridiculous for some peoples, but when, i read this match and more specialy this pannel, I immediatly would like to start volleyball and play as a setter. Today, I'm a regional player and I'm a setter . And all thats, it's because Atsumu gave me this love for setting. So yeah, if i'm a good setter, if i'm a good player, it's thanks to this dude : Atsumu Miya <3


"I have to set the ball to the best spot."


"Underhanded, it would've been two arms. But overhanded, I've got ten fingers. I went with the higher number for better support. Because I'm a setter!"


This is the ost that only few waited for but EVERYONE needed.


“Complain, damn it!”
“Complain? Why? Gimme the next one, too!”

“I thought Kageyama had nothing else to be scared of, but...It’s not just the enemy who pushes you beyond your limits.”


"I went with the higher number for better support.
*Cuz' I'm a setter* !"🥺🥰🙏🏼
This hits different when you remember the line that inspired him to be a setter "I'll help you get the ball over." 😔✊🏼


That set... it really looks easy, but the amount of strength, speed and talent it requires is insane, when this theme started playing at the same time that we saw kageyama's looking that amazing thing I got chills, and people tend to forget that this dude it's just 17!! absolute madlad


I now understand why Atsumu represent "Love"


“”I don’t remember when, but I was asked “you’re not a starter, so isn’t it hard to have such a genius player who’s younger than you on the same team?” I’m not sure what qualifies as a “genius” but I understood what they were trying to say. There happen to be people who think that someone like Atsumu was just born a talented player. But everything I do every day, from a scale of one to ten, guys like Atsumu do on a scale of one to twenty. Or it’s a more effective ten, or a denser ten. And sometimes, instead of one to ten, they try things from A to Z. That’s what goes through their heads. Even if they mess up sometimes, or they’re hated by strangers, or cast out, even if they completely ignore something we’d consider important... they just have to do it. Even if they start coughing up blood, they’re the guys who just wanna keep running. There are plenty of guys in this world who we’re no match for, and it’s natural to find people like that amazing. I think being able to dive headfirst into things is a talent in and of itself, and it doesn’t matter what you call them. And it’s not like genius is an insult... but if you’re thinking they’re geniuses from the start, that just means you’ve lost before you even had a match with them. And it’s rude. - Kita Shinsuke

I’m not sure why but this scene really gave me shivers, with this song, and the game in the background....like I feel like this specific scene literally makes everything into perspective, like what happened before to what will happen next...just wow


He’s one of the most loveable characters ever. I wish people stopped projecting his character as someone who’s not. Comparing him to totally unrelatable characters, not gonna mention /his/ name (we totally know who it is) bc he’s literally so full of love that even Furudate sensei gave him the embodiment of the word “love”—he was created in an environment full of it and he radiates it on and off court as well.. this soundtrack makes me feel emotional especially with the recent episode where people finally get to see how he loves being a setter. And as wild as he can get, what makes him such a strong player, is his love for volleyball.

Thank you for this soundtrack!!!


First Kita gets his backstory, now Atsumu and Osamu, damn. Gotta love them back stories.


That's why he is the best character in Haikyuu. Better than everyone, everything he does is incredible or ends up being funny.


this gave me goose bumps. atsumu is a really loveable character


The only problem with this is that it's short, I didn't even realised it stopped... For any of you who hasn't read the manga, you're not ready for what is going to happen! Miya Atsumu is among the best player in Haikyuu no cap


“under arm would've been two arms, but over-hand I have ten fingers. Because I'm a setter"

Miya Atsumu


i swear yuki hayashi is THE GOAT
dudecover also GOAT


Atsumu's passion for volleyball is just... Amazing. He inspires me to be the best setter I can be as well despite being short. In middle school, I tried out for the team as a setter, but was declined because I was 5'1, instead of playing setter, I was asked to play the position of the libero. Now I'm in high school, I haven't tried out for the varsity because I'm afraid to be rejected again, but Atsumu is really motivating me to practice harder and hopefully have my talent recognised. Volleyball isn't a sport that only requires height, it also requires skill.


Oh damn this one really hits deep 🤧💕
It sounds so goddamn epic!!!
I love it, your covers are great!!!


Greatest YouTuber we didn't realize we needed ❤️


Feck yeah!!! The minute I heard the Omnivorous motif I got goosebumps! So glad you covered thiss!! <3 Pharozen did Nishinoya's track, i did the Miya twins childhood track and you did Atsumu's Set Theme.. this feels like EPIC TEAMWORK haha!! Love the cover dude <33
