My dog's house was destroyed…so I built her DREAM house!

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I've never built anything in my LIFE. This could be a challenge. 😅🙏

Thanks to @DrewBuildsStuff for inspiring me to make this video! Being able to follow his build taught me SO much and I had a BLAST learning how to work with my hands and make something awesome. GO WATCH HIS VIDEO AND SUBSCRIBE TO HIM ASAP: 🔨👷‍♂️
Building a HEATED DOG HOUSE for Canadian Winters (Drew Builds Stuff)

Check out these other videos! 👇 (you'll like them I promise)

⚡️ I Built Hidden Rooms in YouTuber's Houses! (shhh)

⚡️ 24 Hours in Spongebob's Real Life House

⚡️ I Built a $20,000 Gaming Treehouse!

⚡️ We Built a Gaming Tiny House!

Come be a part of our official Discord server! :D

Follow me on social media! ⚡️
• Instagram: @reallyzealous
• TikTok: @reallyzealous
• Twitter: @reallyzealous

If you read this you automatically have to go pet a dog.
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Hey thanks for the shoutout. Bailey had a similar reaction to my dog house 👍🏻


For someone who never built anything before you did an awesome job on this. I think Joy would have liked it better if it was a little bigger though. It's still a kick butt dog house!


Zealous and Frenchiefries could be the ultimate duo


bruh, that dog has a better house than mine.


That is so awesome!! ❤😂 The fact that Zealous built his dog a litteral mansion is amazing!


6:01 I have no idea how you made the lights turn off whenever Joy barks, but it’s like you’re using command blocks, but in real life


My dad used to have a german shepherd (i forgot it’s name), and it died from a sickness like most german shepherds do. And then he has a Boston terrier named boots since it has white paws contrasting from its black torso, but he got run over by a car on the driveway 😢, Then he had a 3rd dog that looked exactly like boots so he named it- boots- again. BUT the exact same thing killed him- the SAME car, the SAME driveway— And then after that- he didn’t get a dog again :p


That dog is the cutest thing.I used to have a dog but died from cancer, but it’s ok now because I’m lucky enough to get one from Christmas 🎄 ❤!


The fact that he spend all that time and money to make an amazing dog house is so sweet!❤
But if I did that my dog would just go sleep on some rocks or a rug. Maybe even the ground 😂😂😂


hi i really liked your videos and i wanted to ask when will you make another gaming video?


Matt: ' I've never built anything in my entire life''
All his secret room videos: Am I a joke to you


I love dogs. I miss my fur child. I wish they lived longer. Enjoy every moment with them as you can!


I'm pretty useless at making stuff but if you've never used a skill saw, never hold both sides of the cut. One piece should be firmly held or clamped down and the other piece should just drop to the ground. If you hold the piece that's supposed to drop you might accidently pull the piece up and pinch the blade. This can cause the blade to jam, smoke or jump. And is just unpleasant in general.

Also while you can leave the blade fully extended it's best practice to shorten the blade depth when ever possible. Yes you can use it as a guide like he did when he trimmed the floor but it can be pretty dangerous to not be in the habit of retracting the blade.

I've seen pictures of guys who cut through their thighs because their blade was to long and they were using their leg as saw stool, another common thing is people cutting through their power cables and other items underneath the material. I've also nearly lost the 1/3 of several of my fingers from doing something stupid with a skill saw the only thing that saved them was the fact I retracted the blade as much as I could before I did the cut.

Don't be afraid to ask someone who knows more about these tools then you, they've most probably been taught or had the unfortunate experience of finding out how dangerous these tools are first hand. I know way to many guys with missing fingers and every single one of them is more than happy to show people the proper ways to use these tools.


It's funny how Zealous stays so energetic in 3:00 in the morning meanwhile Matt is really dead inside in 3:00 in the morning


One lucky dog. That a cool Dog house. Nice build. Thanks for sharing


props to zealous for building a dog house in 1 day with little to no experience


Literally Joy has a house better than my 2 house together


I have that same dog she was put down because she was in pain and she was my dog for 18 human years older than me and still is


Moral of the video: Joy comes from simple things; who needs a house when you have a red frisbee and whip cream?


If only you had the constructioneers @jstu to help you build it😂😂
