This Study Technique ELIMINATED My Need to Revise

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There's one incredibly valuable skill that the highest level students and experts abuse to gain mastery of their subject and that is the teaching effect. Teaching can be done at any stage of learning and by anyone, but what does it take to be an effective teacher? In this video we explore best practices of teaching, the "who, when, what, where" and most importantly "how" of teaching.

🙏 Thanks for watching!
- Mike and Matty

0:00 Intro
2:08 Who do you teach?
3:27 What do you teach?
5:07 Where do you teach?
6:16 When do you teach?
7:10 How do you teach?
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Our teacher often tells us that if you teach a topic to someone, and they understood it, then it means, you've mastered the topic.


This guy literally teach everything that schools does'nt have.


Did this method while reviewing for board exam. It wasn’t really my intention, but my friends kept asking me to teach them. So I did. I placed 6th out of > 3k test takers. Got the highest score on the subject I taught the most


“If you find something very difficult to achieve yourself, don’t imagine it impossible—for anything possible and proper for another person can be achieved as easily by you.”
You got this bestie


It took me so long to realize that there are two guys, not one guy changing clothes between shots. 🤦


Honestly this is crazy 😂 I use this a lot for my fundamentals class in nursing school! When i started this, my grades climbed from just passing to getting on my last test a 88%. But with me I notice i have to focus the subject matters for the exam after each class then come exam weekend, i tend to use this method to teach people. When i could explain really well, i mark it off this big list of what i need to study. If im still struggling, I put an X on the material to refocus on it. One of the best methods to focus in but it also helps with my severe anxiety when I teach the material (cause it takes all that focus off the anxiety to speak about the topic).


This is the most underrated channel. This channel has each and every video on the topics on which i face problem. This channel really helped me to ace in my studies.
Hats off to you two.


actually i taught my friends do many maths question so i got full marks every year, now in this pandemic i dont have anyone to teach and gradually my maths skills are degrading - sharing your knowledge is not only caring but helps you to achieve greater heights


This is UNBELIEVABLE to me! I have been unintentially using this technique ever since primary school. When I was young I dreamed of having an older sibling who would give me advice and help me to groom myself in school. Honestly, I just wanted a person who would be wise enough to answer all my silly questions and make me feel loved but I never had one because I was the older sibling myself 😂 So I made this imaginary older sister in my head who was always kind enough to patiently teach me every subject at school even a night before an exam and, she would even swear at me for getting a question wrong only to correct me later. In reality, It was me talking outloud to myself in my room. I sometimes thought I was mad for doing so especially when my mom would hear me talking alone in my room. Anyways fast forward, this year I got enrolled into my dream medical university as a first year medical student and still use this method of learning to teach myself. Thank you Mike and Matty for sharing such useful study tips on your channel. Bless you both! 💝


I actully do use this a lot. while i was preparing for my medical collgege entrance examinations i used this.
i have a white board in my home and i will imagine a bunch of students and start explaing them all the concept. at one point when i am teaching automatically i will get dounbts myself and be like wait, how do i explain this to the student? and i will read and understand and then do the teachimg.
even diagrams and stuff i draw in front of my imaginary students.

if you cant imagine studnets u can use dolls or a smily face on a paper or a maequin or the BEST ONE IS TO EXPLAIN IT TO A FRIEND WHO STUDIES WITH YOU!

thanks for the video matty and mike


This is so helpful. I’m not in the medical field, but rather in the civil engineering field, yet it still applies! I didn’t realize I did this during my time in college, so you guys synthesizing this information is very helpful. Thank you so much!


nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than a upload by you guys


It would be great if you guys can do a video elaborating on the “storytelling” method of teaching! Seems like a really interesting take on teaching a topic, and knowing all the crazy examples you use in your videos like Basketball and Pokémon, I would love to see the kinds of examples you would use to teach that way!


y'all, since discovering you two my ability to learn and manage time has literally skyrocketed. i could never thank you enough for this


I'm in preparatory year for medical college and at the end of this year if I get the mark it needs I'll be a doctor .
But the thing is in this year we have a lot of information to study and understand that we don't have time to use this method I'll try it next year
Thanks for your work ❤️


I love you guys you have made my life so much easier. Not to mention, your binaural beats video literally got me through my exams.I used to be a big follower of another study youtuber but I felt things soon got too intense and just watching the videos became stressful. You guys explain everything in a simple manner and make it easy to understand. Thank you!


These guys are the coaches of life as well as studies
Improved a lot in my studies thanks buddy


damn…I am constantly learning and growing with you guys, thank you as always 😄🤓


Hey Mike and Marty, could you give tips on how to study subjects like calculus and chemistry. Your tips really helped me with biology, psych, sociology but I’m having trouble relating those tips to classes that involve problem solving. Thank you!


How to get better grades-
1) Study with Pikachu
The moment you lose focus you'll get shocked.
