For Debate: Should the Electoral College Be Abolished?

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As the 2020 presidential election approaches, the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia hosts a traveling debate on a question at the center of public discourse: is Electoral College is outdated or does it remain a vital aspect of our constitutional republic?

Join James Ceaser, professor of politics at the University of Virginia, and Jesse Wegman of the New York Times editorial board and author of the new book, Let the People Pick the President: The Case for Abolishing the Electoral College, for a debate as old as the U.S. Constitution itself. Hank Meijer, co-chairman of Meijer Inc., and Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center, moderate.
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Saying that we are afraid of having more than 2 parties implies that the American people are not capable of understanding more than 2 parties. It also implies that we'll go from 2 political parties to 40 political parties. Most modern republics have more than 2 parties and operate as good or better than the US. In fact less parties turn cities into China or Russia


42:00 - 47:23. Wegman ends the debate completely. Crushing blow. Electoral college would have been abolished if not for those greedy for political power.


I find it fascinating that well read scholars and constitutional professors are not instantly and emotionally decided on these complex topics
The art of debate is a learning opportunity that you tube rants do not afford you deep thought and reading of books is what we have lost and it’s the only way out of the woods on this and many can’t run a nation on hunches and unchecked emotions.
And p.s. our legislative process is a hard endeavor and these people lose sleep and work very hard to try to thread the needle of democracy in this age of uncertainty. Peace. Let’s be kindhearted and use our brains to process what our emotions are screaming at us and each other.


Halfway through and I love this debate. So informational. I think I still support the electoral college but I do not like winner takes all…


This was informational, but not a debate in the slightest.


I think that the Electoral College should go elections should be about the people not a few states, Quite simply a president should be elected by the people.


Professor Ceasar got murdered like Julius Ceasar by this man. Well done, Mr. Wegman.


Oh, how Majority-Rules is kept in check by Minority-Rights?


I am, yes abolish electoral college. They choose presidents for me. George W. Bush is not as bad as Donald Trump. We should get the smartest lawyer to sue them for choosing person who caused chaos and deaths to represent us.
We should vote a person with experience on politics, laws, and honesty.
Electoral college were there because blacks and women were not allowed to vote.


All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that through the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression. 

President Thomas Jefferson; First Inaugural Address; March 4th, 1801.


Oh and ....I find it disturbing that as dry as this is ....there are so few people watching it and such a high number of people ranting on this matter


It is kind of weird how the Founding Fathers didn't directly envision there being political parties, many initially disliked them (though quickly formed/worked with them) and yet they so much fit and work with the basic structures they seem to be designed for them. The Founding Fathers did at least see different factions as unfortunate but also inevitable in society/government.


"Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by blood of the Revolution never to violate in the least particular the laws of the country; never to tolerate their violation by others. As the patriots of seventy-six did to support the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property and his scared honor.”


(p.67-68; Camelot and the Cultural Revolution; JAMES PIERESON; Encounter Books; New York; 2007)


I love the electoral college, I just hate winner take all. I would prefer a proportional allocation of electoral votes (NOT CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT)


So easy to crush this debate and prove why this crap electoral college should be abolished.


I have never heard of a more miserable solution than this national compact vote plan. So if you are in a state, say California, whose popular vote goes to candidate C by 90%, but since candidate Y gets more popular vote nationwide, this compact would mean California would vote their electors for candidate Y. This is lunacy. The best solution I see is for the whole country to move to a Maine model, but get rid of faithless electors. Maine model nationwide would maybe increase 3rd parties in the US which in today’s world can only be good.


just remove 2 extra electors for senators...problem solved.


So far this debate has said nothing about the elephant in the room - or the donkey. The 2-party system is why we have such close elections. It's why the popular vote in the presidential "election" doesn't always get the majority of the EC. Because the EC is controlled by the state party apparatus; they are required to vote as the majority party directs them to.

The founders intended that the EC would be an independent, nonpartisan organization that would manage the selection of a president from start to finish (as described by the first speaker). The political parties have hijacked the whole process, creating "primaries" and "election nights" which are self-serving party promotions. Constitutionally, there's nothing to prevent a Republican state from ordering all its ECs to vote for Trump even if he got only 40% of the vote.

We don't need to abolish the EC. We should abolish both parties and their corrupt fundraising system controlled by billionares and special interests. Restore the EC to its intended role as an independent selection committee free of partisan interference. We would surely get better candidates than an elderly bureaucrat and a shady hotel-casino owner/ reality show host.


get rid of political parties. have more candidates run for president


As long as the Electoral College remains, there is bound to be at least one time, in the near future, where it benefits a Dem candidate. In the recent past, it has benefited the Repubs (Bush Jr, and Trump. who each won despite getting fewer votes), but the tide can shift the other way. In principle, I'm in favor of whomever gets the most votes: wins, ....but let's not level the playing field just yet, until the Dems get at least one victory - by way of garnering a win with less popular vote numbers - like Repubs have done. Fair is fair.
