Jack White: Record Store Day 2013 Ambassador

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Years ago someone told me that 1,200 high school kids were given a survey. A question was posed to them: Have you ever been to a stand-alone record shop? The number of kids that answered "yes" was... zero.

Zero? How could that be possible? Then I got realistic and thought to myself, "Can you blame them?" How can record shops (or any shop for that matter) compete with Netflix, TiVo, video games that take months to complete, cable, texting, the Internet, etc. etc? Getting out of your chair at home to experience something in the real world has started to become a rare occurrence, and to a lot of people, an unnecessary one. Why go to a bookstore and get a real book? You can just download it. Why talk to other human beings, discuss different authors, writing styles and influences? Just click your mouse. Well here's what they'll someday learn if they have a soul; there's no romance in a mouse click. There's no beauty in sitting for hours playing video games (anyone proud of that stop reading now and post your opinion in the nearest forum). The screen of an iPhone is convenient, but it's no comparison to a 70mm showing of a film in a gorgeous theater. The Internet is two-dimensional...helpful and entertaining, but no replacement for face-to-face interaction with a human being. But we all know all of that, right? Well, do we? Maybe we know all that, but so what?

Let's wake each other up.

The world hasn't stopped moving. Out there, people are still talking to each other face-to-face, exchanging ideas and turning each other on. Art houses are showing films, people are drinking coffee and telling tall tales, women and men are confusing each other and record stores are selling discs full of soul that you haven't felt yet. So why do we choose to hide in our caves and settle for replication? We know better. We should at least. We need to re-educate ourselves about human interaction and the difference between downloading a track on a computer and talking to other people in person and getting turned onto music that you can hold in your hands and share with others. The size, shape, smell, texture and sound of a vinyl record; how do you explain to that teenager who doesn't know that it's a more beautiful musical experience than a mouse click? You get up off your ass, you grab them by the arm and you take them there. You put the record in their hands. You make them drop the needle on the platter. Then they'll know.

Let's wake each other up.

As Record Store Day Ambassador of 2013 I'm proud to help in any way I can to invigorate whoever will listen with the idea that there is beauty and romance in the act of visiting a record shop and getting turned on to something new that could change the way they look at the world, other people, art, and ultimately, themselves.

Let's wake each other up.
Рекомендации по теме

For a man who takes interviews so seriously, he is absolutely hilarious when he just messes around.


I love how straight faced he manages to stay.


I think it's odd how Jack presents him as quite a serious guy, yet clearly he has a sense of humour. Good to see little videos like these, though.

If a few artists I like do something cool for Record Store day 2014 I'll go out and get a recorder player, wanted one for a few years now.


Talented..Hot..Intelligent and a Smartass.😂 How can you not love him?!💙.


I had no idea there were so many interesting facts about records


I'd love to hear a Jack White song about asteroids and the Freemasons.


You know this video really changed how *prolonged construction noise* and I feel we are all better people for knowing that.


I think he explained the meaning of life and we didn't even get to hear it.


I've just found this video, and I have to say that I absolutely love this guy and have massive amounts of respect for what he's doing. Even though it's more than 5 years old, I know for a fact he's still living the sentiments expressed in that About section (did it seem to carry the rhythm of a song to anyone else? ... No? Just me? Okay...). It just makes me excited for, and willing to support, whatever he does next.


This was a high class tour of the wax factory. I'd like to thank my Dad for taking me as a wee kid every week to the record store to buy one 45 since the age of 5 and the numerous guys behind the counter who always saved me the top 45 of the week.


The timing of Jack walking past the machines to cut out his voice was just incredible


Haven't seen this in a while 😂 .. NBA draft, asteroid, and iPhone 6 lol


jack, you are genius, I love you .want to see you in concert.


he talks like he sings. very melodically


Wait what did he say about asteroids in our parking spots?


even when he is saying ridiculous things his voice sounds good


Wow I love Jack white is my idiolo forever and I love his music from his attitude and everything it stands for fabulous and now instructs and informs me thanks jack white Luck! and very successful


I think that's kind of a reference to "The White Stripes" right there at 2:26 ... and just before that Jack was talkin' about coincidences... and knowing Jack I think that can be a little "wink wink ;) " to us... hmmm...


2:04 the guy in the background is a bit scary or what


Be sure you read the About.  Jack's my hero in this regard.
