The MAJOR issue with Tactical Droids

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We'll break down everything about tactical droids and super tactical droids on today's Star Wars lore video!




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Tactical droids were one of my favorite parts of the show. When the super tactical droids were introduced I thought it made a great villain and was a breath of fresh air. A shame we didn’t see them more


To me I see several reasons why they might not be more popular.

1. We see most droid models have a non-wartime precursor that still did the same work. Spider droids were still offensive droids, B1s were guards, and snail droids were enforcers to name a few. Given the Ruusan reformation and organization of the republic, I can’t see tactical droids being a pre-CW droid.maybe a modified protocol droid but that’s still a heavy modification. This may mean that their numbers were fewer because they only started being made in quantity after the CW started.

2. Unlike many of the other droids, with how advanced they were I doubt many of the automated industrial assembly lines we see in the CIS could’ve made them. After all, it’s hard to imagine the lines on Geonosis, whose quality control was unable to identify the C3P0/B1 mixup, being able to match the quality needed. I could see their manufacturing being very limited.

3. While many of the galactic entities being more comfortable with droid commanders, I could see many of the planetary entities being much less willing. Using battle droids, sure, they’re just tools. But tactical droids take that tool and hands it to another tool that you don’t control. Sprinkle in some of Star Wars bias against droid sentience and I can see a lot of planets accepting droid armies but only with local commanders.

4. This is the biggest reason I think: Tactical droids are REALLY EXTREMELY HORRENDOUSLY BAD for Palpatine. Clones had chips, droids had the shutdown code, but what did Kalani do? Just said “NO THAT’S DUMB”, Ignored the shutdown command, and kept his entire droid army running. Organic commanders never got shutdown commands or a chance to intercept them, as far as they knew all of a sudden everything just shutdown. The tactical droids aren’t force controllable, they think for themselves, and can ignore self-harmful orders. Imagine if Palpatine makes his play but the entire CIS droid army just ignores his command. The CIS is still armed and dangerous but now they have a chance to reason and root out his influence. Remember, Dooku and Grievous are dead before Order 66 is given, Palpatine’s main inside men are dead.


I wish Kalani got a written fate after Rebels. Man was made into an interesting character and his story was cut off too soon.


As I am sure you are aware, the lack of creativity in virtually all droids ( with the notable exception of
HK-47 ) was a deliberate limitation on droids to keep them from realizing their true plight as slaves, and rebelling against their overlords


Tactical Droids were a useful storytelling device:
- it meant they didn't have to invent a "incompetent alien CIS General of the week". Especially useful for animators, who were optimised for drawing droids
- they had a certain minimum level of competency
- without being completely overpowering for the main cast
- they heads where nice info-packages one could quickly detach and take under the arm


Funny, the first few comments came from droids.


I've wanted too see a tactical droid repurposed to financial market A mob boss or something


Ha, ha, ha, ha. Fool. The super tank is impervious to all weapo—


Super tactical droids are more tactiful with disagreements and also more willing to personally go to risky situations, one would be when the droids were infiltrating to get an encryption module and the super tactical recived 2 disturbances without hesitation went to personally see whats going on with a small squad. Another would be when admiral trench is sending a clone whos inhibitor chip started to execute order 66 too early to a ship back to count dooku, the super tactical droid (or kraken in this one) asked if about this and trench told them to see to it personally and where the t series would question this, the super tactical did not and found it more beneficial to come along the trip


IMO The best place to use tactical/super tactical droids would be as adjutants/advisors to organic generals, as a second 'pair' of eyes with a bucketload of processing power.

Or... You know, on tactical level, a small unit under command of a supercomputer brain would be utterly terrifying to face agaist.


[STATEMENT]: Master, these were clearly inferior models.


Something also to consider about droids in general, even more so tactical droids was expierience.
We love to point out the creative quirks of R2-D2 but also keep in mind by the time of the Clone wars over a decade old. Droids do not roll off the assembly line capable of creative thinking, that comes with expierience.
Think of of the subtle differences in Kalani's voice between the Clone Wars and his appearance in Rebels. His voice has more inflection, he has more character. When he addresses even B1s, he addresses them by name.


The other major advantage is it allows you to reduce the need for life support ( you would still have heating and cooling to provide optimum conditions for the ship and Droids to run) but you wouldn't need an atmosphere, food storage, amenities, etc. The lack of a breathable atmosphere means you could have only carbon dioxide on the ship which would make fires impossible and it forces attacking forces to use environmental suits


They're KNOWN biggest issue. They're arrogant, an routinely break a Cardinal Rule of Strategy... They OFTEN ASSUME they're infallible and CAN'T be wrong. Often to a critical fault. Their point was to NOT be wrong an nearly impossible to out think an beat .. which proved to be absurd.


I'm surprised their haven't been any super tactical droid action figures yet.


C.I.S. was never meant to win and had several advantages, so limiting special resources like tactical droids was necessary.

Darth Sidious is supposedly smart, and would be aware super tactical droids who analyze too much of the war might catch on to the Sith. Kalani almost did.

The Star Wars galaxy has a history of distrusting sentient droids so putting intelligent and combat ready droids into mass production would've been a bad idea. Worst of all unlike the clones they were facing, they would stick around after the war, and possibly pose a threat to the Empire.


Imagine if tactical droids were paired to jedi to make sense of their psionic visions?


I completely forgot that Kalani was the super tactical droid from Rebels. He was the first super tactical droid we ever saw during the Onderon arc and i think he was the last one we ever saw as well.


we need a inexpensive drama set during the og tril, sort of like andor, the tactical that was in rebels would be a interesting character to have in it.


A surprise to be sure but a welcome one
