Luffy gear 5 vs Kaido - One Piece

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Oda Confirms GEAR 5 Luffy Vs Kaido?!

Kaido is recognized as the "strongest creature in the world". Notably, he has a bounty of 4,611,100,000 berries, which is the highest of any pirates currently alive, surpassed only by the bounties of the late Whitebeard and Gol D. Roger.

In the recent SBS Volume 98, Oda hinted at the appearance of Gear 5th to defeat the world's most powerful creature, Kaido!

P.N. Y ・ Sousei-kun asked Oda a simple question: IF LUFFY'S GEAR FOUR IS ONE THING, THEN IS GEAR FIVE A THING TOO ?!

Oda replied: Very good. Seeing the passion in your writing, I feel compelled to include this question as I received it. Will "five" be a thing ...? Right now, the enemy we must defeat is the man who is said to be essentially the strongest in the world. Because of this, the world is in the era of the transition from "4G" to "5G". "G" stands for "equipment", doesn't it?

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Рекомендации по теме

La nouvelle transformation de Luffy la plus puissante du gear 5


uhm gear 5 isn't gonna be full body armament haki cause he would get weaker, and also there is probably no gear 5 cause it is getting boring now just new gears, i want to see a devil fruit awakening
