7 Reasons Why Introverts Are So Attractive

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7 Weird Reasons Why Introverts are So Attractive to Others
Are you, as an introvert, attractive to others without even realizing it?
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"İntroverts are good listeners"
Me who zones out in the middle of conversation: 👁👄👁


Introverts can talk a lot when they are with people they are comfortable with


Being an introvert myself, I always found it funny that my high school peers would freak out when ever I spoke up or when ever I laughed about something in class. They would always say " I have never heard you speak or laugh before" .


The problem is that some people just don't understand introverts and they often judge them superficially. I consider myself an introvert but if I have the right person in front of me I became really open. People cannot imagine how big is the universe in a mind of an introvert. Give chances to introverts to converse with you, insist also if the situation becomes awkward and you will see that you will not be disappointed.


Introverts are extroverts when they start talking to their best friends.


"Why Introverts are so attractive"
Me: Don't do that... Don't give me hope.


"people are really attracted to those who can go out on their own from the crowd and be okay with it"....I'm so glad to hear this.


I am an Introvert, though once I feel comfortable in your presence I will talk more and my full personality will show. I usually don't just go up and talk to people. If people come up and talk to me I will be quiet but I will talk back. When you first meet me you might think I'm shy. But in reality I'm just with new people I don't know. If your in my friend group then you know your special to me. And if I come up to you first then your really special to me.


"Introverts are attractive"

People to me: Why r u so weird?


"Why introverts are attractive"

Every introvert in the world: *DOUBT*


To all extroverts out there, please dont ask us too many questions. Idk about other introverts, but too many questions just make me uncomformtable. Also when we dont talk much, it means we are uncomformtable and dont feel like talking. Im not attacking any extrovert, im just saying. Have a great day/night :)


why introverts aren't attractive:
-being mysterious is usually seen as being weird (in my experience)
-being a good listener makes you a good friend (& nothing else)
-powerful (others can take advantage of silent people, since they don't talk back/doesn't seem like we got much power)
-not annoying (I definitely embarrass myself a lot, but idc/there's more ways to be annoying than saying dumb things)
-introspective (having a clear vision of how life should be doesn't mean your life is actually that way/example: I wanna go out more; have a hobby; find a girlfriend; start a family. reality: I sit at home; watch a youtube video; comment what's wrong in the video; watch the next video)
-people complain about me staying inside, not having a life, being a loser (they clearly don't think I'm cool/having a party by myself?)
-people usually don't want me to be there & invite me mostly out of politeness (if they invite me at all, which is usually not the case)

I did like the positive side about all of these that you mentioned, but as an introvert/pessimist/realistic thinker, I know this isn't the case most of the time (or maybe I'm extremely unlucky & I just happen to meet all the wrong people & live at the wrong side of the planet)


"Introverts are attractive"

People to me: She looks so scary and serious


“hell is other people“ this is such an introvert thing to say


I'm always in my head. Thinking, processing, questioning, and improving!


The thing about making others feel special...one of my friends told me about it. She told me how happy she was when she could be my friend. She said that "she admired me". I felt embarassed suddenly, and I still get the same embarassment when I think about it, because I'm just a normal person, not a star or something. I had a pretty good academic history and I was also a quizzer. But that doesn't make me special, or atleast I thought so. This friend of mine, she used to tell everyone around her soo proudly about how she's close with me. It made me laugh sometimes. I had no idea why she's so happy about it. She also told me that she thought I looked distant, yet somehow cool before becoming friends with me. I thought she was joking. But after watching this video, I wonder if it was indeed true.
I'm now watching more of such videos to know what others think of me. I think it's not really as bad as I think of it 😆


Other people: "This introvert has it together"
Me: *screaming internally*


Strangers:she's so quiet and mysterious
My best friends: dhfjesj no she's a loud ass crackhead


Why do all of these points apply to me! Thank you for saying these things in a positive way instead of you know, saying they are just shy n choose to say in or nerdy. This makes me feel good about myself. I'm glad i got your videos as yt recommendations!😃💛
