Ant Anstead Wheeler Dealers Shocking Truth | What Happened to Ant Anstead and Mike Brewer and Edd

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Ant Anstead Wheeler Dealers Shocking Truth | What Happened to Ant Anstead and Mike Brewer and Edd

Join us as we dive deep into the world of 'Wheeler Dealers' and uncover the shocking truth about Ant Anstead's departure from the show. From his early days alongside Mike Brewer to his rise as a beloved figure in the automotive world, we explore every angle of Ant's journey.

🔧 What's Inside:

Behind the Scenes with Ant Anstead: Discover the untold story of Ant's time on 'Wheeler Dealers,' including his dynamic with co-host Mike Brewer.
Ant Anstead Master Mechanic: A closer look at Ant's incredible skills and how they shaped the show.
The Legacy of Mike Brewer and Ant Anstead: Examining the impact of this iconic duo on 'Wheeler Dealers' and the automotive restoration world.
The Transition from Edd China to Ant Anstead: Explore how the show evolved during this critical change in cast.
What Happened to Mike Brewer from Wheeler Dealers?: Unraveling the story of Mike Brewer's journey alongside Ant.
Wheeler Dealers Season 15: A retrospective look at one of the most pivotal seasons of the show.
Christina Anstead's Influence: Discussing the personal life of Ant and how it intersected with his professional career.
Life After Wheeler Dealers: What Ant Anstead has been up to since leaving the show and his future projects.

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Share your favorite Ant Anstead and Mike Brewer moments from 'Wheeler Dealers.'
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What do you think the future holds for Ant Anstead in the world of automotive restoration?

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🔔 Tags: #AntAnstead #WheelerDealers #MikeBrewer #EddChina #ChristinaAnstead #CarRestoration #AutomotiveShow #TVSeries #AntAnsteadMasterMechanic #WheelerDealersCast

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i met ant a couple of years ago when he was visiting the uk. he was at a car restoration place just a couple of miles from where i live which is also near where he is from. he was very busy with quite a few people there but he still took a minute to say hello and let me take a selfie. that says a lot about a person. we all know how some celebs can be. nice guy.


I have been watching wheeler dealers for years and have a high regard for Edd China and Ant anstead who I saw were Excellent mechanics and who would explain t all the actions required to restore a car the production company might not have wanted so much attention to detail though the mechanics among us viewers would have apreciated
the details. I admire Edd China for being able to work with Mike Brewer for so long


Calling Ant Anstead an immediate fan favourite is stretching things a bit, as many fans felt Edd China was the heart of the show and that heart had been ripped out when he left. Anstead seems like a likeable guy and a competent mechanic, but let's face it: he didn't get to do even half of the work China did, which was the main reason why China left the show. Ratings took a hit and I can't shake the feeling that in retrospect Anstead can't have really liked being a skilled mechanic that only did fast-service type jobs so Brewer could get more screen time.

Wheeler Dealers started out as a show around "Wheeler Dealer" Mike Brewer, who would find a neglected car that showed promise for a quick profit, fix it and spice it up a little and then sell it. Kind of what his spin-off series "Trading Up" showed. But because Brewer wanted to be more than just another dime-in-a-dozen "Wheeler Dealer", he set out to buy more exotic cars, which meant that Edd China was added to the show for the more complex fixes. This added a value that other shows at the time didn't have. China quickly became the fans favorite, so his role was expanded, inevitably reducing Brewer's screen time, something that Brewer probably didn't mind too much in the beginning, as the show hugely gained in popularity because of China. But as China's role kept growing, Brewer must have felt his role was being diminished a bit too much and he stepped in to do more of the work than just buying and selling, like looking for the hard-to-get spare parts or the master craftsman that could fix/replace some part(s) that were no longer available. I'd say that this is the period that the show was at its peak popularity.

Then the show was sold out to the Americans and they moved to the US. After a couple of shows, the Americans decided that they wanted to squeeze more profit out of the show, so the more complex fixes had to go. China, just like many of the fans, felt that this really dumbed down the show and reduced "Wheeler Dealers" to just another dime-in-a-dozen quick car fix show, so he left. Fellow skilled mechanic Anstead jumped in, but as he left rather quickly after only two seasons, it's hard not to think that in hindsight he also wasn't happy with how much the part of the mechanic was dumbed down and even worse continued to be dumbed down, causing him to leave after only two seasons.

Wheeler Dealers saw a huge drop in popularity when fan-favorite China left and then, as the show kept being dumbed down for the sake of more profit, the fans that did hang on to see how Anstead would fare, started leaving as well. Brewer doesn't even seem to care how much the popularity of the show has declined or about first China and then Anstead leaving, as long as he keeps being paid a nice salary. For many of the "old" fans of Wheeler Dealers, Brewer has sold out what was once a very informative show that went way further with showing how successfully buying, fixing and selling cars for a profit actually works and reduced it back to being "just another Wheeler Dealer show where cars are bought and flipped for a profit."


WD's was unwatchable to me with AA taking over from EC..his constant face gurning, made me itch..Elvis is great 👍


When Ed left wheeler dealer I left… brewer is totally painful…


I watched the show because of Ed China and the garage work being explained in a no bull way by a guy who was excited to be there doing what he loved, fixing junk that should probably have just been scrapped, the breakdown of costs at the end never adds in the 500 man hours that went into the car.
Mike Brewer is a bit of a knob and whilst a presenter is an important part of a show, you do need to be likeable. Mike unfortunately is not particularly likeable or charismatic. Ed was the show, that is why we all watched it. Sorry if this is not a popular statement.


If they replaced Mike Brewer the show would improve. Any used car salesman could replace Mike Brewer.


I like the idea of Edd and Ant doing a show...great idea jonheron...


Never understood why he got involved with Mike Brewer . The program was daft because they didn’t take into account the endless hours of his labour fixing the cars . So they all sold at a great loss .


Seen all three, Edd, Ant and Elvis but csn't get over Edd being head and shoulders above the other two, and i'm not talking about his physical height.


I watched Wheelers Dealers from the start, loved Edd China, love Marc Priestley, and thought of Ant as "The Peacock"... With him it was always about him, not the cars. Still don't like him.


Easier to fix a broken car than a relationship.
Cracked cylinder head? Leaking hoses? Broken halfshafts? Rotten rusted sills?
Easier than love and duty. Hence many of us petrolheads retreating to our man-sheds.


he's not even a proper time served motor engineer. he was a traffic cop one minute and all of a sudden a qualified mechanic!! Ed China and Elvis however are real mechanics, especially Elvis with his F1 background.


I stopped watching when Edd China left.


Cant stomache the program with Mike Brewer in it!


I personally find Mike very much look at me am so fantastic it's all about Mike how great of a dealer he is .


Could not watch the show with Ant. Arrogant mr. Know it all…. Ed China and Elvis are far better.


Get rid of Mike & I would watch the show. Ed & Ant should do a show.


What I liked about ed was he explained thoroughly not like some cooking programmes where they say heres one I did earlier


Wheeler dealers has been an entertaining franchise.
I have found Ed China, Ant Anstead and Mark "Elvis" Priestly have all been entertaining foils to Mike Brewer's presence. All different but I have enjoyed them all.
