Splatoon 3 but I Respawn Instantly

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Finally, an ability that was truly made for me and my terrible-aiming self.

#splatoon #splatoon3
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this man has the patience of a god for getting those gears


I tend to stack a bunch of quick respawn on weapons with “risky” specials like Reefslider and Ultra Stamp so there’s less of a penalty for getting picked off (which tends to happen a lot with these specials). It’s kinda like a having a free tacticooler respawn when things don’t go as planned (speaking from experience 😅).


So lets break down Quick Respawn and why it's actually helpful:
Quick Respawn (QR) reduces your respawn timer if, between your last death and your current death, you didn't splat anyone. Since you need a 'last death', QR will never trigger on your first death in a match, but may trigger on every subsequent death.
The effects of QR are less notable in smaller amounts, so most builds will run at least 1 main and 1 sub if not more.
The effects of QR are also reduced by Respawn Punisher on top of its usual respawn penalty.
To note: Assists do not prevent QR from triggering, but falling out of bounds will, similar to Comeback.

So why is this helpful?
Simply put, you can't do anything while dead. QR makes you not dead more often.
QR is best run on extremely aggressive weapons, or evasive weapons that struggle to secure splats on their own. Tetra Dualies and Splatana Stamper are examples of the former, and Inkbrush and Undercover Brella are examples of the latter. Essentially, QR is more effective the more likely you are to get splatted.
In the case of aggressive weapons, fishing for splats puts you at a significant risk. But if you succeed, you grant the greatest possible advantage to your team: a player advantage. But fail and you give it to the enemy instead. QR reduces the penalty of the latter scenario, allowing those weapons to be more aggressive and reduces the risk while maintaining the reward.
For evasive weapons, these like to grab enemy attention and pull resources. Pulling those resources often means a lot of damage is thrown their way so it's easy to get splatted without one in return. In these cases, QR gets them back into the action faster so they can resume their annoyances.
The requirements for QR may seem restrictive, but think of it more as a safety net. If your team is in a tough situation, QR gives you more opportunities to break out by reducing the penalty if your plan fails. And if you're getting splats, you're probably winning or at an advantage so you don't really need it anyway. It's kind of like Last Ditch Effort, in a way.
QR isn't something I'd recommend for every weapon, but if your weapon isn't fussy about what it runs, it's a pretty safe bet. Try running it with abilities like Comeback, Haunt, or Stealth Jump to make the most of your frequent respawns.


QR usefulness as an ability comes down to what weapons you play. If you largely play backlines or supports, QR isn't as helpful because you're not diving into enemy lines trying to get a couple kills. The reason QR is meta right now is because a lot of the powerful weapons used in the meta are aggressive midline weapons like bucket, Range Blaster, Stamper etc. Weapons like those usually run around a main and several subs of QR. Powerful weapons like those have a huge impact on the game simply by being alive, so why not be alive faster?
Even weapons like wiper and Tetras, which aren't super meta right now, completely revolve around QR for their playstyle.
And, as you saw at the end, if you trade with an opponent, dying at the same time they do, QR still activates, as long as you haven't killed anyone before trading. As a Tetra main, the difference that little bonus makes is immense.


So Quick respawn does not work for your first death. So don’t die without splatting someone at the start of the match.


I think this ability would be great if it added 25% more time back per kill, I feel like completely negating the effect is too harsh


I super jump OFTEN so quick respawn is a must have on any kit for me. At least 27-30 ability points worth. Stealth and comeback perpetuates this sort of playstyle in certain modes. I hate that I have the habit but I like the cathartic experience.


I feel like QR should activate if you get 1 splat, but not if you get 2 or more between respawns. That would make it feel worth using to me. I look at things as how many seconds does it save me per game, and if QR only activates 2-3 times that's like 2-3 seconds for a main of it. Whereas run or swim speed in that place means I'm constantly saving milliseconds all game and that seems to adds up to way more.


This video got me to quick respawn to your channel. Soo I guess you used it correctly lmao


quick respawn qualification ends when you splat an enemy. If you die first then you will be disqualified for your next life and will not change qualification for the said death. It's not intuitive but it is predictable.
edit: also deaths due to the map or otherwise self-caused generally do not affect qualification.


I just started watching this channel and i love that he always uses straight bangers for the bgm, the fire emblem echoes song got me nostalgic


When you use undercover brella, if you flair the shield, it comes back without damage.


it helped me to realize that qr is better than i think by just thinking of it as insurance. if youre running a very aggressive frontline that isnt gear dependent, its incredible. cause like if you dive or use an off angle and dont get kills, your downtime is drastically reduced. and if you are getting your kills, then you didnt really meed it. yk?


This build is perfect for tricolor battles, as an attacker


The reason why it doesn’t activate all the time is because in S1 some people would run max qr on tower control to just keep jumping to the tower. Basically it was op

So weapons that would play extremely aggressively and try to get in other people’s faces (tetras, maybe wiper? Those are the two I use)

But once people started using tacticooler it wasn’t as useful (still useful though)


So the definition of how QR works is basically this: it activates if you didn't get any kills between your last enemy-caused death and your current death. This means it will not activate until after you've been splatted by an enemy once. If you splat an enemy, fall off the stage, don't splat an enemy, and then get splatted by an enemy, it won't activate, because falling off is not caused by an enemy, and therefore doesn't reactivate the ability.


Single most underrated splatoon youruber


If you somehow get a splat right after you die, if the shot is mid error as you die and hits the enemy player, it could activate




Dude I love ur ideas like this and trying to 1 star every weapon, but I cry every time u max out an ability only to not use weapons that want that ability maxxed :(

(im maybe still salty from no splatlings in the run speed vid lmao)
