Finally the number 1 jet lag the game recap podcast is back
I'm so happy you're back to doing weekly jet lag coverage! Taran introduced me to the show on his stream a few years ago and it's become one of my favorite shows. I love hearing his and sasha's insights into the episodes
So glad someone is doing recaps 😁😁 SO excited for this season. Tom is so hyper competitive he makes even Michelle look calm and I`m here for it.
Glad your back for more jet lag coverage
I think the Pilsner confusion happened because there are a few very famous Pilsner beers in Germany named after regions (Kölsch, Erdinger, etc) and they just named the beer, not realizing that Pilsner itself is named after a very real place Czech
I love RHAP and now due to Taran introducing me to Jet Lag I now love this show to. So happy Taran & Sasha are back do weekly recaps for the Showdown!
Woohoo! So glad weekly recaps are back! ❤
So excited we’re getting regular episode recaps again!!
So excited for weekly recaps! Fingers crossed we get these every season
I love the long episodes!!! And I am so glad you have the recaps back
Oh awesome! I am so glad you guys are back for this season!
The running thing, for me, because you're at the whim of train and plane schedules, sometimes running just literally doesn't even provide you any strategic advantage. I wouldn't run then. But yeah, like you guys, I like to think I would run everywhere any time it _could_ provide an advantage.
You are so back! I love that we’re getting weekly recaps this season!
glad to see the weekly recaps are back! love listening to them as i get home from work as a reminder for the nebula episode
I'm sooo glad the #1 Jetlag the Game podcast is back
Glad you guys are back sending time watching the show, thanks to you guys.
Thank you for covering!! Jetlag is the best!
Great start for the Jet Lag and RHAP crews. Btw, I will riot if my weekly recaps are taken away again
Mooooaaaar weekly recaps!!!
So glad I found out about this from The Layover 😂
Week-ly coverage!!! Week-ly So excited to be so back
The #1 jetlag the game recap podcast is back. We 're so back! 🛫