Breaking the Stigma: The Truth About Being Slow in a Fast Paced World | Slow Processing Speed

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*NOTE: I stated that I'm a slow learner in this video, but what I meant was that I am a slow thinker. "Slow learner" seems to have various definitions throughout the internet, some stating it has to do with one's IQ and others stating that it is similar to slow processing speed.

In today's episode of #BreakingtheStigma, I'm talking about my struggles with #slowprocessingspeed. If you, too, have slow processing speed or have had similar frustrations, I hope this video will help you feel supported and understood.

Slow Processing Speed Resources
‣‣ The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds •
‣‣ Excel in Exams YouTube Channel | What is a Slow Processing
Speed & How it Can Affect Students •

Last episode of Breaking the Stigma:

I started this series as a way to help raise awareness and promote compassion and understanding towards issues concerning mental health.

As someone who has and still suffers from mental illness, it's imperative to me that the world understands what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes, and to realize that one's struggle does not have to match up to some standard or threshold. We all want to be happy, and we all want to be loved. If we can break down these barriers and open our hearts and minds to others, even those who are different from us, I believe true progress will come.


*I will be posting new episodes for Breaking the Stigma periodically throughout the year. If there's a stigma regarding mental health that you want me to cover, please feel free to reach out! I'll see if I'm able to cover it.


Hey, I'm Samantha! ✨

Here you'll find videos on:

• food + home
• minimalism
• self-care + self love
• personal growth + mental health

My hope is to create a community of like-minded individuals who have a common interest in living a life of love, spreading compassion, and keeping an open mind. 🌻🌿




• Professional Organizer / Productivity Coach / Wardrobe Stylist

I appreciate the contribution!

Thanks for stopping by! 💕
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Do you struggle with slow processing speed? Are you someone who needs extra time to assess information in today's fast-paced world? If so, please feel free to share your experiences below so we can start a dialogue and raise awareness.


I am slow at completing tasks and have trouble noticing things that the average person sees quite easily. After 40 years of being stung by negative comments from coworkers, friends, and strangers, my self confidence is completely shattered and working now seems like a nightmare.


I have felt like this my entire life 😢 I have a newish job and I have so much anxiety every time I have a shift because I feel so incompetent and slow. It’s so hurtful to see people getting frustrated with you when you are trying your best.


It’s difficult. I’ve tried to hide it my entire life. It frustrates those around me how slow I am. Every one picks up on things so fast


36 year old black woman and finally met someone that understands me for the first time in my life. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m experiencing everything you mentioned in this video. 😭


This makes me feel so much better about myself. I've been slow all my life and marked it as just being dumb. Whenever we learned a lesson in class, I would have to work twice as hard as everyone else to teach myself and when it came to tests I would fail them no matter how much I studied. Especially math and science, I just sucked and took it upon myself, that there was just something wrong with me.
And it became the norm to me that I just had to live this way. Along with learning problems, it's hard for me to process and form thoughts making it very hard to socialize and function.
Also given multiple tasks within a short time frame is nearly impossible.
And as you said, it is very hard to feel normal in this world as normal is being fast-paced and that makes one feel left out and alienated.
Anyways this video greatly summed up my day to day struggle into words and I can't thank you enough because I've been feeling so hopeless and dumb lately as I'm entering college soon and starting a new chapter of my life


I agree with the idea that most people are not inherently lazy, but society or negative self talk drives people into laziness!


I have slow processing speed. I am diagnosed as having ADHD. I am a bit of a perfectionist but it takes me ages to finish stuff that others are quick with. I seem to be able to learn some things fast but other things I find really hard. I’m a slow writer, reader and I end up getting behind with assignments etc but if I’m given the time I master things and can be the best at things. I’m just slow. I struggle a lot with social anxiety and I think this has a lot to do with it. I never really know what to say and worry alot about that and end up saying the wrong things.


I used to feel alone with this. In school people had to think and decide for me, they had to lend me their brain. People get frustrated with me. I don’t process information the same way most people do. I got things wrong because of the pressure to put something down on paper. It’s like there’s holes in my learning. Many times it felt like the whole world was against me. I’ve tried to ignore the fact that I have a processing issue, I don’t want to label myself. One of my teachers wrote a list of all the people that she thought won’t make it to highschool and I was on there. I’m a care aide now and despite all my struggles I graduated highschool and graduated university. This processing issue affects my life on the daily and I get stuck in a loop hole of bad memories from the past. After seeing this video and doing research about how to get a healthy brain, now I just want to focus on my future. I want to find cures for illnesses and just help people. I want to prove people wrong. I want to feel smart. I know I’m not alone with this. Thank you for making this video.


I've been called stupid and slow my entire has caused me Incredible mental scars. I just don't know what happened


I am crying here because you are telling me what exactly how I feel. I have fight hard to prove I am not slow.


I have the same problem too, I've noticed that not just in high school but when I'm with my friends that I talk slower that everybody else( not drastically slow but still slow) and that it takes me more time to form a thought and because of that my friends sometimes call me stupid and It can hurt sometimes honestly, that makes me feel like there's something wrong with me or that I have some kind of a mental illness and that my mind functions differently than others and that can cause a lot of anxiety so so much panic. There are times (when I feel more depressed than usual) that I'm just a lame excuse for a human being.
Seeing this helps me at least to see that I'm not the only person who's struggling with slow processing and having a slow personality in general, so thank you <3


Everyone is talking about being slow .. like literally having a learning disability . But I don’t think that’s Wht it is . Like you said I’m no way dumb at all - I just think I have slow processing speed, and also low motor skills . No even in school fr .

But at work . In fast paced restaurants, or a work environment that is not organized and under pressure it really flusters me. My brain checks out, I’m forgetting normal things, forgetting students names etc . I need to get a hold of this . Even in restaurants I HATED it everyone was Soo much faster than me ! I was like yo, even going faster gave me anxiety and so much stress .

I think the type of job I need is one that is slow paced and allows me to think . It needs to be organized I need a routine, I need something tht I’m not micro managed, where pressure is minimal .

I can’t function in chaos I literally cant


I got a new job at Chuck E. Cheese after being unemployed for monthsss. my first day was easy but at times I forgot things that where definitely “common sense” I feel like everyone where making inside jokes about me even the manager 🤦🏻‍♀️ the job it’s self seems so fun but I don’t want to deal with my co workers talking to me like I’m dumb neither am I good at even small conversation so I don’t know how I won’t make myself awkward if I continue to work there. I need the money to stabilize myself and it’s good pay!! I’m praying for a break through and to strengthen my confidence before I choose to quit just because I don’t want to deal with my coworkers making fun of me :( I don’t deserve this!


Honestly, I can relate to this 100%. Unfortunately we are living in a fast paced world and the workforce is not forgiving to people like us. I work a very demanding job and sometimes I feel stupid and stressed 😩


i have slow processioning speed that is connected to ADD and i do struggle with all of those things but I'm also absent minded a lot and very academically sound people often think I'm just lazy and not smart because i took twice as long to get half of the work done and i get lost a lot with even written directions, i just need an example and i need to be re-reminded of things. i don't have a good auto pilot for routine, when i was little my mum had to make picture charts and put them on my and in the bathroom so that i could be reminded to make my bed and brush my hair and teeth and still to this day i find myself forgetting to do things that people do not usually forget.


I always have struggled with succeeding because I am a slow learner, and just do things slower. Creative projects are my strong points, however, I must be slow to fully focus and understand what I am looking at as well as have a better outcome. I could go fast in this fast paced world, but I will forget a lot, mess up waayy more, and eventually burn out. With this, I always felt stupid and untrustworthy because of these untrustworthy qualities.


I agree so much, in high school and undergrad (and graduate school too) I feel all I do is study, read, reread, take notes. But in class I really struggle to quickly contribute to the discussion. I am still in school, and it really sucks that when I finally form a thought the class has moved on to a different topic (or I'm driving home and can't write it down).
There is a stigma of being lazy or not smart, and it is sad when teachers unconsciously perpetuate this by calling on students who haven't fully wrapped their head around the topic.
Thanks for talking about this! I just found your channel.


This is me right now.. today I got scolded and my manager called me stupid 😞.. I came to YouTube searching for answer and came across your video.. I was feeling so low because I have been struggling to work fast even though I give my 100%. I am glad that I got to understand what I am going through. Thank you xoxo.


I'm s slow learner and physically move slower than others. They are moving faster people into my job and that is having me to feel like I'm not needed. I feel like I'm being pushed out but I also feel like it pushing me into starting my own business too. I just have to trust in myself and God and I believe I will be successful.
