A is for Apple Song | ABC Alphabet for Children

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A is for Apple Song for Children! Learn the ABC Alphabet this super fun and simple educational nursery rhyme for kids. With fun examples for each letter of the alphabet all linked together with catchy rhymes and a playful tune, this A is for Apple song is perfect for all little ones wanting to learn the basics of the english alphabet all the way from a to z.

A is for Apple Song Lyrics:

A is for Apple, sweet and red,
B is for Butterfly, flying overhead.
C is for Cat, purring on a mat,
D is for Dog, chasing the cat!

Sing along, with this alphabet song,
learning your ABCs won’t take long.

E is for Elephant, big and strong,
F is for Frog, hopping along.
G is for Grapes, hanging on the vine,
H is for Honey, so sticky and fine.

Sing along, with this alphabet song,
with each new letter, your words grow strong.

I is for Ice-cream, cold and sweet,
J is for Jet, flying in a fleet.
K is for Kite, flying high in the sky,
L is for Lion, with a loud proud cry.

Sing along, with this alphabet song,
learning your ABC’s won’t take long.

M is for Monkey, swinging in a tree,
N is for Numbers, like one, two, three.
O is for Octopus, deep down in the sea,
P is for Penguin, cute as can be.

Sing along, with this alphabet song,
with each new letter, your words grow strong.

Q is for Queen, wearing her crown,
R is for Rainbow, with colors all around.
S is for Sun, shining bright and high,
T is for Turtle, slow and shy.

Sing along, with this alphabet song,
learning your ABC’s won’t take long.

U is for Umbrella, when rain starts to fall,
V is for Violin, making music for all.
W is for Whale, deep in the sea,
X is for Xylophone in harmony.

Sing along, with this alphabet song,
with each new letter, your words grow strong.

Y is for Yak, on a mountain peak,
Z is for Zebra, with their stripes so sleek.

And that’s the A is for apple song,
Next time, won’t you sing along!

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