New Super Mario Bros. U (Deluxe) - Full Game (All Worlds, 100% Multiplayer Walkthrough)

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New Super Mario Bros. U (Deluxe) full game all world 100% multiplayer walkthrough.

This is our 100% walkthrough of the game, we collect all star coins in all levels and show you all the secrets of the game. We play with Mario, Blue Toad and Yellow Toad. Enjoy!

Even though this officially is not New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, all collectibles are the same, and you can use this video to collect everything just fine.

In this video we show everything New Super Mario Bros. U. you need to get to have 5 stars.

Please enjoy, subscribe and like and make sure to press the bell icon to get notified of our newest uploads!

Timestamps of Worlds in this video:
0:00:00 - World 1 - Acorn Plains
0:35:04 - World 2 - Layer-Cake Desert
1:20:10 - World 4 - Frosted Glacier
1:59:53 - World 3 - Sparkling Waters
2:46:41 - World 5 - Soda Jungle
3:50:52 - World 6 - Rock-Candy Mines
4:47:46 - World 7 - Meringue Clouds
5:45:11 - World 8 - Peach's Castle
6:18:51 - World 9 - Superstar Road

Mario is played by Maurits.
Blue Toad is played by Rik.
Yellow Toad is played by Myrte.
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World1 0:00:00
World2 0:35:04
World4 1:20:10
World3 1:59:53
World5 2:46:41
World6 3:50:52
World7 5:47:46
World8 5:45:11
World9 6:18:51


Mario:Get Me Out Of Here
*Bubble Pops*


This video has been recorded with the Wii U game New Super Mario Bros. U. However, everything that is in this game is identical to New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe for Wii U. If you need help in finding all star coins and collectables, you can use this video just fine. Also watch our speedrun video on our channel!


This video’s title is clickbait. This is the original 2012 New Super Mario Bros U, not the Deluxe Switch port! The easiest things to spot that confirms this are that the HUD is blue instead of red, and that both Blue and Yellow Toad is accompanying mario, because in the Switch port you can’t play with both Blue and Yellow Toad at the same time!


I like how the person playing as blue toad took care of his baby yoshi's.


0:00 Acorn Plains (World 1)
Acorn Plains - 1 : Acorn Plains Way (World 1-1)
Acorn Plains - 2 : Tilted Tunnel (World 1-2)
Acorn Plains - Blooper : Blooper's Secret Lair (World 1-Blooper)
Acorn Plains - Tower : Crushing-Cogs Tower (World 1-Tower)
Acorn Plains - 3 : Yoshi Hill (World 1-3)
Acorn Plains - 4 : Mushroom Heights (World 1-4)
Acorn Plains - 5 : Rise of the Piranha Plants (World 1-5)
Acorn Plains - Castle : Lemmy's Swingback Castle (World 1-Castle)

35:04 Layer-Cake Desert (World 2)
Layer-Cake Desert - 1 : Stone-Eye Zone (World 2-1)
Layer-Cake Desert - 2 : Perilous Pokey Cave (World 2-2)
Layer-Cake Desert - 3 : Fire Snake Cavern (World 2-3)
Layer-Cake Desert - Tower : Stoneslide Tower (World 2-Tower)
Layer-Cake Desert - 4 : Spike's Spouting Sands (World 2-4)
Layer-Cake Desert - Ice : Piranha Plants on Ice (World 2-Ice)
Layer-Cake Desert - 5 : Dry Desert Mushrooms (World 2-5)
Layer-Cake Desert - 6 : Blooming Lakitus (World 2-6)
Layer-Cake Desert - Castle : Morton's Compactor Castle (World 2-Castle)

1:20:10 Frosted Glacier (World 4)
Frosted Glacier - 1 : Spinning-Star Sky (World 4-1)
Frosted Glacier - 2 : Cooligan Fields (World 4-2)
Frosted Glacier - Tower : Freezing-Rain Tower (World 4-Tower)
Frosted Glacier - 3 : Prickly Goombas! (World 4-3)
Frosted Glacier - 4 : Scaling the Mountainside (World 4-4)
Frosted Glacier - 5 : Icicle Caverns (World 4-5)
Frosted Glacier - Ghost House : Swaying Ghost House (World 4-Ghost House)
Frosted Glacier - Fliprus : Fliprus Lake (World 4-Fliprus)
Frosted Glacier - Castle : Wendy's Shifting Castle (World 4-Castle)

1:59:53 Sparkling Waters (World 3)
Sparkling Waters - 1 : Waterspout Beach (World 3-1)
Sparkling Waters - 2 : Tropical Refresher (World 3-2)
Sparkling Waters - Tower : Giant Skewer Tower (World 3-Tower)
Sparkling Waters - Ghost House : Haunted Shipwreck (World 3-Ghost House)
Sparkling Waters - 3 : Above the Cheep Cheep Seas (World 3-3)
Sparkling Waters - 4 : Urchin Shoals (World 3-4)
Sparkling Waters - 5 : Dragoneel's Undersea Grotto (World 3-5)
Sparkling Waters - Castle : Larry's Torpedo Castle (World 3-Castle)

2:46:41 Soda Jungle (World 5)
Soda Jungle - Airship : The Mighty Cannonship (World 5-Airship)
Soda Jungle - 1 : Jungle of the Giants (World 5-1)
Soda Jungle - 2 : Bridge over Poisoned Waters (World 5-2)
Soda Jungle - 3 : Bramball Woods (World 5-3)
Soda Jungle - Tower : Snake Block Tower (World 5-Tower)
Soda Jungle - Ghost House : Which-Way Labyrinth (World 5-Ghost House)
Soda Jungle - Para-Beetles : Flight of the Para-Beetles (World 5-Para-Beetles)
Soda Jungle - 4 : Painted Swampland (World 5-4)
Soda Jungle - 5 : Deepsea Ruins (World 5-5)
Soda Jungle - 6 : Seesaw Bridge (World 5-6)
Soda Jungle - 7 : Wiggler Stampede (World 5-7)
Soda Jungle - Castle : Iggy's Volcanic Castle (World 5-Castle)

3:50:52 Rock-Candy Mines (World 6)
Rock-Candy Mines - 1 : Fuzzy Clifftop (World 6-1)
Rock-Candy Mines - 2 : Porcu-Puffer Falls (World 6-2)
Rock-Candy Mines - Tower : Grinding-Stone Tower (World 6-Tower)
Rock-Candy Mines - 3 : Waddlewing's Nest (World 6-3)
Rock-Candy Mines - 4 : Light Blocks, Dark Tower (World 6-4)
Rock-Candy Mines - 5 : Walking Piranha Plants! (World 6-5)
Rock-Candy Mines - 6 : Thrilling Spine Coaster (World 6-6)
Rock-Candy Mines - Tower : Screwtop Tower (World 6-Tower)
Rock-Candy Mines - 7 : Shifting-Floor Cave (World 6-7)
Rock-Candy Mines - Castle : Roy's Conveyor Castle (World 6-Castle)

4:47:46 Meringue Clouds (World 7)
Meringue Clouds - 1 : Land of Flying Blocks (World 7-1)
Meringue Clouds - 2 : Seesaw Shrooms (World 7-2)
Meringue Clouds - 3 : Switchback Hill (World 7-3)
Meringue Clouds - Tower : Slide Lift Tower (World 7-Tower)
Meringue Clouds - Ghost House : Spinning Spirit House (World 7-Ghost House)
Meringue Clouds - 5 : A Quick Dip in the Sky (World 7-5)
Meringue Clouds - 4 : Bouncy Cloud Boomerangs (World 7-4)
Meringue Clouds - 6 : Snaking above Mist Valley (World 7-6)
Meringue Clouds - Castle : Ludwig's Clockwork Castle (World 7-Castle)
Meringue Clouds - Airship : Boarding the Airship (World 7-Airship)

5:45:11 Peach's Castle (World 8)
Peach's Castle - 1 : Meteor Moat (World 8-1)
Peach's Castle - 2 : Magma-River Cruise (World 8-2)
Peach's Castle - 3 : Rising Tides of Lava (World 8-3)
Peach's Castle - 4 : Firefall Cliffs (World 8-4)
Peach's Castle - Peach's Castle : Red-Hot Elevator Ride (World 8-Peach's Castle)
Peach's Castle - Peach's Castle : The Final Battle (World 8-Peach's Castle)

6:18:51 Superstar Road (World 9)
Superstar Road - 1 : Spine-Tingling Spine Coaster (World 9-1)
Superstar Road - 2 : Run For It (World 9-2)
Superstar Road - 3 : Swim for Your Life! (World 9-3)
Superstar Road - 4 : Hammerswing Caverns (World 9-4)
Superstar Road - 5 : Spinning Platforms of Doom (World 9-5)
Superstar Road - 6 : Fire Bar Cliffs (World 9-6)
Superstar Road - 7 : Lakitu! Lakitu! Lakitu! (World 9-7)
Superstar Road - 8 : Pendulum Castle (World 9-8)
Superstar Road - 9 : Follow That Shell! (World 9-9)


I like this video you guys made it good I like it I like how did you make the same game of me because my game is called new Super Mario Bros U Deluxe the same you guys play right


1:32:05 I feel bad for that Dry Bones....


Dit is echt een mooie video want ik heb deze mario niet dus kan ik toch even kijken hoe dat eruitziet :)


This video was very helpful for me when I play mario


Mario and other people: doesn’t get small when thrown and punched
Mario and people: gets small when touches a koopa


Cada vez que veis unos pinchos de hielo, esperad siempre a que se caigan al suelo y se rompan y así podéis continuar.
Es una magnífica idea para nunca sufrir daños.


who else just realized there’s no warp canons in this game


the music is a very unique mixture of epicness...

*and goofyness, lmfao*

the first minute is already perfect


I am so going to miss Blue Toad in the upcoming remake of this game.


I remember watching these types of videos when I was 8 I’m 13 now and I still watching them


15:39 longest level path creation i have ever seen


When your mom says you can watch one more video before I need to go to sleep and you pick this one


Acorn plains way
Tilted tunnel
Bloopers secret lair
Crushing cogs tower
Yoshi hill
Mushroom heights
Rise of the piranha plants
Lemmys swingback castle
Stone eye 👁 zone
Perilous pokey cave
Fire 🔥 snake 🐍 cavern
Stoneslide tower
Spikes spouting sands
Dry desert 🌵 mushrooms 🍄
Piranha plants 🌱 on ice 🧊
Blooming lakitus
Morton’s compactor castle 🏰
Waterspout beach 🏖
Tropical 🌴 refresher
Giant skewer tower
Haunted wreckship
Above the cheep cheep seas
Urchin shoals
Dragoneels undersea grotto
Larry’s torpedo castle 🏰


Omg I’ve been watching this guy since I was 4. I forgot his channel name.... BUT NOW I FOUND HIM
