Is New Super Mario Bros. U Bad?

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The fourth video in my retrospective series covering all the New Super Mario Bros. games! In this video I look back on New Super Mario Bros. U for the Wii U, very soon after I will also be looking at New Super Luigi U, so look forward to that! As always thanks for watching!

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Stand alone, U is one of the best ones. It's just the fact that it exists relative to the other ones, so those being previous titles, holds it back. It would've been received a lot better had it released outside of the NSMB fatigue. I feel like even a change of soundtrack would've done wonders for this game.


Can we just appreciate how insanely well made the background’s of the levels are, like it’s just so amazing looking I could look at them for hours.


I absolutely loved playing this whenever we got a Wii U. I feel like the Wii U and pretty much all games that came out with it are very easily dismissed or forgotten about which is a real shame.


I am happy to see more people talk about their Wii U memories in a positive way. This console is finally getting the love it deserves. I actually like New Super Mario Bros U but it is far from my favorite Wii U game so I would give it a solid 7 out of 10. I personally think that it suffers a lot from the direct concurrence the game has with much better 2D plateformers on the console like Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze or Yoshi’s Woolly World.


One of the most disappointing things about this game is world 8. I like the idea of remaking old levels in a lava theme—that would’ve been really cool. Sadly, the short length of this world makes it very anticlimactic. The final bowser fight is especially disappointing because all you do is hit bowser in the head three times. I loved in nsmbwii when bowser chases you as the finale; what better way to end a platforming game than by sending the player through an epic final gauntlet with intense music and a terrifying boss? The ending of nsmbu doesn’t get my adrenaline going like that unfortunately.


What’s sad is that New Super Mario Bros U is the best one in the NSMB series by far, yet nobody gave it any love or attention. Maybe it was the fact it was on the Wii U, and we had two NSMB games that same year. To me, that is a crying shame, as to me, it’s one of the best 2D mario titles

I am glad that the game has become far more beloved in recent years.


The best part of the game is the map, its a great experience


This game is so underrated, I used to watch the videos on yt about it when I was young. When I got my switch it was the first game i bought. I just wish it was longer


Boost mode is genuinely really fun with the challenges in the OG version on Wii U with a buddy. The spontaneous “teamwork” can both be pretty funny and very satisfying when the level is finished. The other modes are also pretty fun though


I'm so proud of you for not making a "OOOH BOWSETTE BEST GIRL" joke during any mentioning of the Switch port


This is a great game, i played last year and was very surprised because of the hate the game gets.

The only problem is the similarity withe the other 3 games, besides this its nearly a perfect Mario game


I really loved this game. It is literally so colorful, the levels are awesome, the recycling of the NSMB format is PERFECT! I really wish they made more NSMB games, it was a very underrated series.


There are very good reasons why to start in a plain and not a mountain or ice world: it's, well, plain. Newcomers have to start learning how to play, mountain and ice worlds require you to understand walking and jumping mechanics fairly well, including inertia, while plain worls only requir eyou to understand walking and a bit of jumping.


This game gets way too much hate, yeah it reuses the world themes, but they make them into really creative spins, like how the grassland has a bunch of snow mountains, abd themed around acorns, the desert being themed around desserts, then jungle being giant, the mountains looking like spectacles, the beach being in a rocky grotto, the sky being above the mushroom kingdom so you see the gumdrop mountains peaking through, and the lava world being peaches castle. This is the best one in the series in my opinion. It's so fun and I love the backgrounds, music, creativity and everything else


Just like you, SMBU was the first game I got for the WiiU and I got it for Christmas on the same year the game released. So looking back on this game was really nostalgic. This game will most certainly be one of the most memorable 2D Mario games for me. I loved how they built upon previously established worlds and even brought back new level designs that really set it apart from the other games. I don't know why a lot of people have just forgotten about this game or dismissed it as another "generic 2D Mario game", it really was amazing for me when I was a kid!


I love the fact that each world has something special about every world because the background looks like the place on the world map


The problem was not exactly the game, but the context around it. NSMBU felt just like a level pack of NSMBW, which also felt like a reskin of NSMB DS. If the game did actually tried to be a little more orginal (diferent art style, diferent setting...) it would had been much more well received that it was at the moment. Be aware than at the time the game released, Nintendo was trying to not arriesgate anything. Wii U, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Nintendo 3DS, Super Mario 3D World was in development, which relays too much from 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, NSMB2, the freaking Sticker Star issue...All of it in the span of two years. NSMBU was for me a consequence of not doing anything, ironically, new, so it is pretty undertandable why the players didnt wanted to do the 4 same thing since 2006.


I really love your videos an the effort you put on them man. You absolutetly deserve to be much bigger.


I think NSMBU is arguably one of the best 2D Mario games. It combines the best aspects of SMB3, SMW, and NSMBWii and puts them all together.


NSMB Wii will always hold a special place in my heart, being the first video game I ever played back in 2009 for my 7th birthday. Even through the 2010's I still played it a lot and eventually got masterfully good at it as well as my friends being good at it which made for a VERY fun experience throughout my childhood. Now a days I'm a PC player, but I still love Nintendo. Regardless, when I first got this game, it gave me similar vibes and feels to the Wii version that I loved so much, this game is great.
