Total Gym Tower Press 'New Exercises' Video

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Going over a few effective exercises you can do if you have a Total Gym (or other sliding bench trainer) that has a tower. I used to feature exercises back on my Weider Ultimate Body Works that you could do off the guideboard, but even though there's tons you can do, most I find aren't as good as the traditional ones on the board. However, these are some I thought were good enough to warrant some highlight.

Stuff in Video:

9gr L-Citrulline DL Malate
3gr Beta Alanine
HMB 1-3g

Other Sliding Bench Trainer Models
Other Stuff I use and recommend.
Cardio Equipment I use/recommend
Sliding Bench Trainer YouTube channel is not responsible for any injuries, illnesses, or death sustained from following the exercises demonstrated or fitness advice discussed in this video. By following the information and performing the exercises provided, you are responsible for any and all injuries sustained. It is strongly recommended you consult your physician before starting any exercise or diet program.
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Excellent video! Thanks for filming all the new ideas .


Truly a thought I've never would have thought about working out. I like it. Keep them coming.


I love this channel.
Thanks for your amazing posts.


Yes what great exercises please keep them coming!


Hi Mike - Thank you for the tower chest press idea, I really like it. I never felt stable trying to do a press sitting on the sled. This works! I’m going to need to buy some weight plates to go along with my bands for this exercise.


I have had my Total Gym for 20 years and have never thought of this. Thanks so much! I love this channel!


Very interesting. I never really thought about using the pulleys while being off of the machine. I've actually come to really like the regular seated chest press. At first, I wasn't a big fan of it and always looked to supplement it with another type of pressing movement. It's grown on me a lot and I love the way that last part of the movement where I bring the handles together really hits the chest.


Resistance bands attached will make it way more intense. I’m a give this a shot. I already do inner and outer thy off the machine with the leg straps standing


Has your cable ever broken while you were trying the the exercises in this video? I notice most of the tension is on the Bench pulley.
