Microservices Explained in 5 MINUTES | What is a microservice architecture?

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A microservice is an application responsible for a subdomain or a feature within the context of a larger system. The main goal of a microservice architecture is to be able to develop and operate independently the different services within the system. As a result an organization can employ multiple teams and assign each team to a specific domain or feature. This way rather than implementing features sequentially, we can parallelize the work and reach our targets in a shorter amount of time.

Let's discover in the next five minutes the major advantages and disadvantages of microservices over monoliths while discovering the meaning of orchestration and choreography.

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#microservices #ddd #systemdesign #softwarearchitecture #softwaredevelopment
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Indeed, such a nice roundup in just 5 mins. I love the unbiased comparison between microservices and monoliths. Same applies for the comparison between orchestration and choreography. Well done!


Great explanation.
Short and to the point.
Thank you.


Great roundup of Microservices and related topics. Wasn't expecting you to cover so much in 5mins 😄


thank you for this video, straight to the point


This was awesome video. Thanks ! Can you help understand orchestraation in greater detail? I assume for choreography we are pointing towards event based architecture like using kafka..
