Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI shares tips to Start a Startup

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Sam Altman, President at Y Combinator's, gave some advice about what it means (and what it takes) to succeed as a startup: "If you win, stay a winner"


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Sam Altman dio una conferencia en la platziConf y hoy CEO de la empresa que rompio la tecnologia en 2 con openAI y chatGTP, increible! 💥⚡


- your first task as a startup is to build a product that some users love. In YC's experience, startups that focus on building a product that a FEW users LOVE is better than building a product that MANY users kind of LIKE. Your users should be sad if your product suddenly disappeared. Most startups fail here.
- your second task is growing. Best kind of growth comes from word of mouth, next to that there are ads, referral programs, etc.
- your third task is building a defensible business. What is your sustainable competitive advantage? Why can't some other (bigger) company do what you do?

- things are always gonna be screwed up, expect problems.
- hiring well is one of the most important things a startup CEO can do (1/3 of your time).
- fire quickly.
- stay frugal.
- focus and intensity. Focus on the one or two things that really matter right now. Bad startups say "we'll do that in the next 2 weeks", good startups say "we'll do that in the next few hours". The best startups operate incredibly quickly.
- work on ideas that lie at the intersection of "sounds bad" and "actually works".
- work on problems that you have direct personal experience with.
- ignore people that tell you your idea sucks.


I love when Sam talks about this, as he said, you know, "because I'm an expert in this market".


6:15 CEO job = as your company gets bigger and bigger, the only thing the CEO gets to decide on company’s strategy and who the players are. Everything else gets done by other people. Spend 1/3 of your time on hiring people and recruiting the best in the world. If you make a mistake, fix it ASAP.
7:30 Remain frugal. If you don’t do this, the culture gets messed up. *If the startup spends more money than it makes, then it’s dependent on the mercy of investors. But if the startup is profitable, because it controls costs really well, then it’s is under its own control.* So it’s very important to be as frugal as possible. The best startups have a culture of extreme frugality in the early days. (*Avoid lifestyle creep)


he got from building something that small number of people love to which the entire world loves


jaajaj buscando conferencias de Sam Altman me encontre que habló en Platzi, increible!

subanla al canal principal, sacanle jugo a esto. Es impresionante


Miré el video entero y me gustó. Pero definitivamente en ningún momento habla sobre "Why start a Startup", que es el título del mismo. Más bien son Startup Advices o algo así. Gracias por subirlo!


This is great. No wonder Y Combinator did so well when he was there


¿Puede ponerle subtitulos en español, por favor?


Cuando estaran los subtitulos disponibles? :(


Viendo el video en 2024 despues de que Christian lo mencionara en la platziconf.


Key notes :
Build a product some people love and not a product that some people like.


if they win, why will they still be the winners?


He just described how to start a cult that turns into a religion.
