Voices of the Unhoused: Poor People's Army Sets Up Encampment Near RNC to Protest GOP Policies

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In Milwaukee, Democracy Now! speaks with members of an unhoused encampment that's been set up just minutes from the site of the Republican National Convention to protest policies that have exacerbated poverty and a housing crisis nationwide. The encampment is organized by the Poor People's Army, which is also set to host a protest rally and march on the first day of the convention. Cheri Honkala, the national spokesperson for the Poor People's Army, also joins us in Milwaukee. "People are not surviving poverty in this country," Honkala says of the motivation behind the march, in which hundreds of protesters, many of whom are themselves struggling with homelessness, are expected to join.
Voices of the Unhoused: Poor People's Army Sets Up Encampment Near RNC to Protest GOP Policies
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