Bloodline of Aenarion Tyrion 0 Defeats Campaign Livestream Part 3

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Total War: Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires. Playing as Tyrion on Legendary difficulty. Goal: selecting the not-optimal Bloodline of Aenarion skill line for Tyrion and picking up the Sword of Khaine at some point. The Campaign end if I suffer a single battlefield defeat.
Chat Rules:
- Please just stay on topic. Just stick to whatever game we're playing
- Please don't be overly negative or toxic. It brings everyone's mood down.
- Every Super Chat is appreciated greatly
- Please make your questions as specific as possible. Vague questions will get vague answers.
- Please do not try to get me to say anything obscene
- Please stay on topic and do not ask anything too personal
[Time out offenses]
- Spamming
- Self promotion (if you want a shout out do something worthy of one)
- Donation Shaming. If someone donates do not insult them
[Ban Offenses]
- Starting arguments about non related topics (religion, politics, etc)
- Insulting me or my moderators - Keep it civil please
- 3 time outs
(Please note that PayPal Donations do not pop up in chat and are very difficult to catch. Please do not write long messages or questions)
Chat Rules:
- Please just stay on topic. Just stick to whatever game we're playing
- Please don't be overly negative or toxic. It brings everyone's mood down.
- Every Super Chat is appreciated greatly
- Please make your questions as specific as possible. Vague questions will get vague answers.
- Please do not try to get me to say anything obscene
- Please stay on topic and do not ask anything too personal
[Time out offenses]
- Spamming
- Self promotion (if you want a shout out do something worthy of one)
- Donation Shaming. If someone donates do not insult them
[Ban Offenses]
- Starting arguments about non related topics (religion, politics, etc)
- Insulting me or my moderators - Keep it civil please
- 3 time outs
(Please note that PayPal Donations do not pop up in chat and are very difficult to catch. Please do not write long messages or questions)