File16- CSV-How to search Employee record from CSV file (Excel), Finding Max and Total salary Fr CSV

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Rajeev Gupta Channel=RK1470, Chapter- 5
CHAPTER-5 (File Handling)
CHAPTER-3 (Working with Functions)
Inbuilt functions,Functions defined in modules User Defined function- 4 methods, How to make own module, Actual& Formal parameter, if __name__== "__main__", Local & Global variable and output,
Returning Multiple values,How to pass Mutable & Non Mutable objects to function, How to make Package, Library, Module Aliasing
CHAPTER-7 (Algorithmic Efficiency)
Big-O, Best, Worst, Average Case Time Complexity, O(logN), O(NlogN), O(2^N), O(vN ),O(N^3), Binary&Linear Search, Fib&Prime No, Bubble, Insertion, Selection sort
Python- Recursion and its types (Hindi), Recursive Functions,
Programs on Recursion - Prime No, Fibonacci Series, Binary Search
Reverse of String, Even and Odd number in Reverse order,
sum of square of odd no.Outputs of Programs, Base and Recursive case,
CHAPTER-5 (File Handling)
CHAPTER-3 (Working with Functions)
Inbuilt functions,Functions defined in modules User Defined function- 4 methods, How to make own module, Actual& Formal parameter, if __name__== "__main__", Local & Global variable and output,
Returning Multiple values,How to pass Mutable & Non Mutable objects to function, How to make Package, Library, Module Aliasing
CHAPTER-7 (Algorithmic Efficiency)
Big-O, Best, Worst, Average Case Time Complexity, O(logN), O(NlogN), O(2^N), O(vN ),O(N^3), Binary&Linear Search, Fib&Prime No, Bubble, Insertion, Selection sort
Python- Recursion and its types (Hindi), Recursive Functions,
Programs on Recursion - Prime No, Fibonacci Series, Binary Search
Reverse of String, Even and Odd number in Reverse order,
sum of square of odd no.Outputs of Programs, Base and Recursive case,