How Ireland has become a backdoor into Europe for drug smugglers | Focus on Europe

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International drug smugglers are using Ireland as a backdoor into Europe more and more often. Police, coastguards, marines and customs have so far been unable to secure the fjords and bays, which are difficult to control.

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RTE would never show this...thanks dw👍


This time it’s crack and not craic in Dublin.


Funny how a random reporter can catch these drug deals but Gardai


I'm a language teacher in Dublin and when people come over they fall in love with the city. They enjoy the culture, the music, the people. Some describe it as a safe haven in comparison to other cities such as Paris, Barcelona and Milan. But to me, after returning to the city after a year or so, I feel it's changed completely. It's heartbreaking to see the people of Ireland falling to addiction due to a lack of mental, physical and financial support, due to a lack of understanding, a lack of space to talk. When I go into the city centre, there's always a sense of danger within me that those around me seem oblivious to (that, or they've accepted it and found peace, which to me, is a mistake as its masking the issue). You see people lying on the floor, people overdosing, people screaming, blood on the stone pavements. It isn't Dublin. It isn't Ireland.

On the night of the November riots, I stood on O'Connell Bridge and watched the bus burn and silently cried. It was watching my home burn, and we're fighting each other instead of helping one another. Then, part of me felt that this would wake people up, make those oblivious aware of how Dublin is losing it's heart. But nine months on, it seems like it's all been forgotten about and we've returned to our silent stares, our mental blockage, our ignorance of what's around us.


The amount of open drug use in Dublin is crazy. Also younger people treat a line of coke the same as having a beer at this point in Ireland. It's literally everywhere.


I left ireland in 2011 to New Zealand due to the economic crisis, back then there was little to nothing cocaine issues in my local town of Drogheda. I returned in 2022 and its madness. Everyone is on the gear.


I lived in Dublin in oct-dec 2023 and shared an apartment with 4 other guys. All of them used drugs regularly 😳. You can order drugs online and it’s delivered to you anywhere.

On one weekend, I was assaulted by a roommate who was high in cocaine. I had to leave the apartment overnight and go to a hostel. 😢


Daniel Jones and the other social workers 👏👏


46 years practicing dentistry showed me the long term heart effects of cocaine abuse. My cocaine addict patients current or past have changed their physiology to the point that local anesthetics do not work unless used in very high doses or they do not work at all. My one patient only stays numb for 30 minutes when I use a high dose injection that would keep a normal patient numb for 9 hours! ALL of the cocaine users had very sensitive hearts, (rapid heart beats, arrythmias), to the use of minute amounts of epinephrine in the anesthetics, (the epi keeps the anesthetic in place longer and is very helpful in pain control). A normal patient would have no rapid heart beat to these tiny quantities. Sacrificing a few hours of getting high for devastating future heart problems is ridiculous! Drug addiction is a modern form of slavery!


Not many ppl can rise above it like that man, also going out of his way to help. Your a better man then me Daniel


Fair play to Daniel and the social workers 👏


So sad to see beautiful Ireland in this state....😢


All my friends were doing coke, thankfully I never wanted to partake, I'm so thankful now. They need to educate the young when they are very young.


This is not just a problem limited to Ireland, its accross the globe.


I live in Belfast and outta say 50 mates ages range from 30 to 50 there's about 5 of us that don't take incredible how people love it


Fighting the supply side is a failure. Without reducing demand, supply will always be there.


I'm from Dundalk and ❄️'s rampant here also... chefs, bartenders, shop owners, you name it... everyone is doing it. Its honestly so sad to see.


It's always been a big problem in ireland for a very long time. Even in small towns. Nothings being done. Getting worse. Seen it.


Problem is when young people think taking it is normal and everyday use. That gets in their head but like that you want have families and continue normal life.


Live in Ireland for the last 20 years. Amount of addicts you see in city centre increased dramatically, its unbelievable.
