Django Framework | Complete CRUD operations Python | create, read, update, delete

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What is CRUD?
CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update & Delete. These are the four basic operations which are executed on Database Models. We are developing a web app which is capable of performing these operations.
The CRUD operations are defined as follows:
Read Operation.
The ability of the application to read data from the database.
Create Operation.
The ability of the application to store data in the database.
Update Operation.
The ability of the application to edit the stored value in the database.
Delete Operation.
The ability of the application to delete the stored value in the database.
python programming language
python Django Framework babasics
source code:
CRUD Django Framework:
CRUD Django Framework:
CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update & Delete. These are the four basic operations which are executed on Database Models. We are developing a web app which is capable of performing these operations.
The CRUD operations are defined as follows:
Read Operation.
The ability of the application to read data from the database.
Create Operation.
The ability of the application to store data in the database.
Update Operation.
The ability of the application to edit the stored value in the database.
Delete Operation.
The ability of the application to delete the stored value in the database.
python programming language
python Django Framework babasics
source code:
CRUD Django Framework:
CRUD Django Framework:
Django Framework | Complete CRUD operations Python | create, read, update, delete
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