Relaxing Plant Tour 2023 | my entire houseplant collection

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An entire tour of my houseplants, aquariums, and terrariums. This is a long video, so sit back and relax :)

❀ Soltech Solutions
use code ”BENJI15” for 15% off

[ timestamps ]
0:00 - entryway
7:54 - dining & kitchen
19:00 - living room & plant office
32:25 - aquariums
35:02 - bedroom
41:41 - balcony

[ my links ]
instagram: @benji_plant
tiktok: @benjiplant

❀ music
Waiting by the Window - Louie Zong
Lady Palm
My Friends - Vendla
Still All Alone - Kyle Cox
Tranquil Views - American Legion
Red Tea - Vendla
October 22nd - Vendla
Sometimes I Long for You - Jonah Aardekker

[ filming equipment ]
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Btw this was filmed before I knew we were moving. Also i just arrived in vietnam today!!


I just love the plant community. No toxicity. No drama. Only _plants_ .


List of all plants:
0:48 Hoya linearis
1:10 Monstera sierrana
1:40 Monstera deliciosa
2:18 Philodendron hedareceum 'lemon-lime'
2:44 Dracaena reflexa
3:28 String of turtles
4:37 Passiflora collinvauxii
7:58 Begonia geogoensis
8:42 Looking glass Begonia
9:38 DOOA Terra Base
9:50 Maranta Silver Band
10:05 Oachira aquatica
10:48 Platycerium SS Foong
11:14 Passiflora colinvauxii
12:48 Platycerium willinckii
13:15 Platcycerium elephantotis
13:29 Platycerium madagascariense
14:17 Platycerium willinckii
14:32 Platycerium ridleyii 'wide form'
15:11 Platycerium ridleyii 'round form'
15:37 Platycerium stemaria
16:01 Platycerium coronarium
16:20 Platycerium veitchii
16:34 Platycerium superbum
16:54 Platycerium kitshakood
17:34 Sphagnum moss
17:55 [Original terrarium]
18:29 Floating kokedama with Philodendron white princess
19:15 Anthurium magnificum x crystallinum
19:42 [Aquarium]
20:52 Thaumatophyllum xanadu
21:49 Spider plant
21:57 [Bookshelf terrarium]
22:33 Philodendron hederaceum lemon lime
23:32 Anthurium ace of spades
24:08 Philodendron atabapoense
24:25 Huperzia
24:45 Hoya new guinea coast
25:04 Avocado plant
25:07 Monstera aurea
25:49 Hoya wilbur graves
25:55 Anthurium pap. x luxurians
26:04 Anthurium carlabackiae
26:14 Anthurium wendligeri
26:38 Ant fern
27:06 Welwitschia mirabilis
27:58 Philodendron dark lord
28:16 Monstera obliqua peru
28:29 Ficus elastica
29:00 Rhaphidophora foraminifera
29:20 Platycerium Foong SiQi
30:06 Platycerium OMO Polar Bear
30:20 Anthurium pendens
31:05 Hoya caudata 'Silver'
31:11 Philodendron joepii
31:52 Pendant anthurium
32:00 Philodendron silver sword
32:30 [Avatar inspired aquarium]
33:15 [His favorite aquarium]
35:04 Platycerium bifurcatum
35:17 Pilea peperomioides
35:28 Philodendron glorious
36:23 Philodendron white wizard
37:11 Platycerium ridleyii 'small form'
37:38 Anthurium clarinervium
37:46 Philodendron firebird
38:08 Monstera burle marx flame
38:34 Anthurium red crystallinum
38:54 Philodendron callosum
39:07 Monstera albo
39:45 Philodendron spiritus sancti
41:07 Philodendron florida beauty
41:54 Cyperus alternifolius
43:19 Ficus pumila
43:29 Dioscorea bulbifera
43:53 Spiral aloe
44:25 Dioscorea elephantipes
44:41 Caudex a.k.a. Turtle shell vine
45:05 Dorstenia gigas
45:38 Philodendron white knight
45:50 Tephrocactus geometricus
46:12 Deuterocohnia brevifolia
46:50 String of pearls
47:02 senna bicapsularis
47:13 Platycerium veitchii
47:25 (Smaller) Dioscorea elephantipes
47:37 (Outside) Philodendron florida beauty
47:50 Platycerium hillii pumila
48:12 Ficus umbellata
49:00 (Chris') Pilea peperomioides


Omg you’re so funny letting the caterpillars just come in and live 😂🥹 what a vibe


Benji, you made me fall in love with taking care of plants again.


I love how the terrarium looks like a portal to a secret mini universe in the bookshelf


It makes me kind of happy that you, too, have plants that need to be repotted or haven't had enough water or too much water... sometimes I feel like a bad plant mom because of these things and watching you being honest with your audience really lightens my mood.


i live in a cloudy and most of the time gloomy country (russia) and watching your videos, filled with sunshine and plants, makes my heart burst with joy💞💕
thank you for your videos❣


Your Lemon lime philodendron looks so cool. My favorite plant of your collection is Theo.


You have a unique way on how to grow your plants. And you do it with less effort. So much variaties and they're all so beautiful.


The most soothing, calming, relaxing voice! I love your videos Benji! ☺️ Thank you 💚🌿✨


I cannot count the amount of times I've rewatched your videos, especially your houseplant tour. Sometimes I just do it to refresh some information, sometimes I just do it to watch relaxing content


this is the coolest staghorn fern collection i’ve ever seen!


I have started watchin your videos recently. The thing is, i was depressed and frustrated about my academic results. Some of my friends suggested me to start reading books to keep myself busy, as i was suicidal bcz of some bad thing i had to face. So, i cdn't continue reading. Then after watchin your videos, I started planting. And yuph! It helps actually. Helped me to live with those cute family membrs. My plants, my own plants! Thank you benji.💚 I think plants are better time pass and it helps truly to get rid of depression.


Thank you Benji for this video. I was really anxious this evening but your calming voice, soft background music and incredible plants let me relax a little


I love playing your videos in the background as I take care of household chores (like laundry), and listening to you speak with such a calm voice is truly soothing :)
Thank you for such an in-depth tour of your plants! I'm inspired to purchase and grow some new ones now!


Beautiful collection, and I love how you accentuate the aesthetics of the plants by placing them the right way, and herewith tolerate crispy leaves and edges, and this makes me notice aesthetics in this also :)


Also thank you for an amazing video Benji! I always get so inspired when you post. I feel like we are both going through the Paige-Wasselification of our interior design taste so I’ve been struggling with incorporating my plants into interior design but you do it so effortlessly ❤️


I saw my first video of yours last week, and as of yesterday, have started my own house plant journey.. terrified but you’ve given me inspiration to try!


You have a great collection of plants and they are arranged around the house beautifully!
