Pope explains ecumenical dialogue

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At Rome's Anglican church, Pope Francis was asked about his approach to ecumenism.
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im just doing a school project and these comments are agressive dam


Can you talk about Jesus our Lord and Saviour? Tired of the garbage, of environment, ecumenism, immigrants and other worldly things. if the church leaders cannot talk about Jesus then we are doomed.


The Karaite Noahide Faith can possibly develop sacramental ideas. I'll look into it.


Despite our divergent interpretations of the Bible regarding Jesus Christ's life and guidance on how to live, we share a common faith in Him as Christians. This unity binds us together, even as we attend different churches.


Catholic News, could you please get Pope Francis answer to this question for us, the laity, the sheep of his flock: "Do we, lay Catholics, have to believe this Scripture that Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way, Truth, and Life...NO ONE can get to the Father (God), but by Him Jesus. If this is true, as we currently believe it is, as Jesus, Himself said this, then how can ecumenism be part of your leadership of us Catholics? Further, Jesus, Himself said: "Go out to all the ends of the earth to proclaim the good news and to baptize all, and thus to save as many as come to Him." We are CONFUSED as ecumenism is directly contrary to Jesus teaching. Can Pope Francis please spell out clearly for us laity what is his stand on these CONFUSIONS and not to talk in metaphors, like this is a journey and we walk together in peace and harmony etc. sweet, palatable, talk, but not centered in Jesus, but in mankind. Not good. We have been CONFUSED.


I do not reveal dates

Sunday, November 27th, 2011 @ 15:00

My dearly beloved daughter, you
must keep calm and composed and place all your trust in Me.

The time for The Warning is almost
here and you must be patient. Pray, My daughter, that all of humanity can be
saved through My Gift.

Please do not guess dates, for I
have told you many times
that I do not reveal dates.

They are not for your knowing. Be
patient. The time for the Warning will be according to My Holy Will.

Place all your trust in Me and
leave everything in My Hands.

Your beloved Jesus


You can have all the "theology" in the world while understanding that the greatest gift on earth is God's "love".On our journey realising our "love" for each other (once, actually commanded by God), inevitably will enable us to commend our differences to the worker of all miracles, God, and thus, present and former problems will be solved! Alleluia!🎶🎶🎶In explaining this "ecumenical future miracle", together, while waiting on such wondrous fruits, why don't we tell and encourage ALL political governments to put in order a fairer economical work/ rest, situation etc., ! That way, I assume Jesus might then say "we will not always have the poor!" and thus life everywhere on earth would be "naturally" fairer?Agreed? 🍀❤️🍀


What do you think, Catholic News Service? Hm?


Thank you, Pope Francis and may we always "help each other" on the journey, realising the "theological" Teaching of God's awesome Love!
Praise the Lord!


When pope Francis said don't proselytise you need to understand he means people should be inspired by seeing so they form to their own peace and identity and bring their gifts to god's use etc he does not speak great English people looking to rip the church in two (media guru's)jump on everything he says and poisen it ...it's a sin to divide the Church in such a way


One Holy Catholic Apostolic. Anglicans must convert to the Catholic Faith to be one.


It means that Catholics are becoming like protestant eventually allowing women and gay to be ordained in the priestly ministry. If Vatican II is effective why we are loosing Catholics congregates in The past decades? AS JESUS SAID..."But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. (Mt. 24:13)


As a Syrian Orthodox this confuses me, he is not in favour of ecumenism.. ☹️😞... But still we know that at the end we will meet because we are worshipping the same God... The real Christian way is the one that binds and shows that everyone is equal.. Not matter if u are Catholic, Orthodox, or evangelist... I will still looking and calling myself as a follower of Jesus (who's baptised in a Christian church) rather being called this Christian or that Christian.


what no adverts lol hypocracy at its best
