Old White Dwarf magazines

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The history of Warhammer.. Retro Wargaming and White Dwarf. Going through all of my old Warhammer magazines and books, I take a look at some of the stories that inspired me. Whether it's painting, law, art, models or history you're after, these books have it all. Want to see how far games workshop have come? Well look no further.


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I really enjoyed making this video, so many good memories. 😀 How did you first find the hobby?


I'm in my 40s now and remember 2nd edition Warhammer rules. Brian Gunson was the manager of my local store (and quite famous at the time for his undead collection) and the guy was awesome. It led to me working for 'Eavy Metal for a while in the late 90's and whilst I stopped playing the games many years ago, painting and modelling may be the only consistent thing that I've done since I was a young kid right up to today. Some reminiscence needs to be held for before the internet. The mail order trolls phone line, the miniature catalogs that were basically a laminated book of dreams for kids. I remember buying metal miniatures by weight straight from the picking room, and being able to build an entire undead army for about £20. Gods, I could write an essay on this stuff! Fair play for looking back on this, really cool trip down memory lane!


This was a great trip down memory lane! I started just before WFB 3rd edition, first white dwarf was issue 93. Got into fantasy with undead, then the first adeptus titanicus introduced me to 40k. A copy of rogue trader followed and my bank account has been struggling ever since!


I played the LotR tabletop for quite some years in the 2000's. I occasionally bought the magazine from Deagostini, which came with a part of the rules, some miniatures, a scenario, etc. I once got a hold of a White Dwarf, but it was English and mostly about Warhammer.


Nothing beats going through the Old White Dwarf issues and Codexes/Army Books. I started around the same time in the 90's so I just love going back and seeing the progression over the years, the different artistic style and design directions, even the classic red shirt fashions and hairstyles from the times bring that joy! Lovely little video and so many flashbacks!


I am not promoting easy content, but I like looking over the older cool stuff I didn’t get to enjoy back then.
Do more of you want for sure. I’d like to see what was and get inspiration.


Lovely video, for me back in 1990 or 1991 a rainy day on holidays in Wexford and a friend pulled out Space Crusade, I was instantly grabbed by how cool the art was, the models, the fun we had. As I remember his parents had gotten his brother hero quest too so we played that and again, that got me hooked on all things fantasy. I've been into it ever since and I brainwash my own kids to be the same 😁


Loved this! I lost a friend when i was young a teenager, and it was him who introduced me to Warhammer when we were around 12/13 years old. At the time of his death, i had "Borrowed" a copy of a codex and a random store catalogue i think it was. I kept them and still have them somewhere in my office, but this video has reminded me to dig them out! I was a Gorkamorka fan, and he was into the Eldar. Like you say, good times.


Drool! Around 1990 a new boy came to our primary school (Hello, Jurgen!), and with him he brought to our reading corner his collection of White Dwarf magazines. I was mesmerised. And have been ever since.


Issue 269 was my first ever White Dwarf and was what got me into 40k with Matt Hutson’s Black Templar army display. Still have the (very battered) copy to this day.


I'm 45 today. Happy to say that I've enjoyed a long journey within the Warhammer hobby. My first introduction to Games Workshop was through an advertisement for Warhammer Siege in a Dungeon Magazine. This was followed by finding a copy of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Ed tucked away on a shelf in a local game store. My love for GW was cemented when I purchased the 1st Ed of Space Hulk and a friend found the original Blood Bowl. I have a deep love for the White Dwarf magazine. I just wish they could go back to doing battle reports like they used to - beautifully crafted battle maps with chits showing the relevant unit movement each turn with input and debriefing from the players involved. Despite some obvious ups and downs in the hobby, glad to be part of the Warhammer hobby :) Respect to Games Workshop and what they've achieved over the years!


Hey that Spacewolf codex was my first foray into any GW army. I still have all my old pewter space wolves with me all these years later. Great trip down memory lane!


Such a funny, thing only just dragged my old white Dwarf mag's out the other day for a look. 1995 for me too, saw the magazine in the news agent and have been hooked every since. Great video mate.


I was into 2nd edition 40K between the ages of about 11-13. I remember going to the Peterborough store and dreaming of buying thing like that Eldar Dreadnought. But £15 was a lot for a kid back then!


Literally just got all my old white dwarfs out the attic then this video popped up in my notifications


Small correction, the metal GW used wasn't lead, it was an alloy called white metal. At first it was rather bad mix they used that contained lead (along with several other toxic metals) but in 1997 they switched to a different mixture for white metal based on tin that doesn't contain toxic metal.
Pure speculation but I think the initial alloy was cheaper. However given that far more children we getting into the hobby I think they switched to avoid potential poisonings (and possible lawsuits).

As to how I got in the hobby, would walk past an independent model store on the way home from school, on my 13th birthday finally walked in, looked around and walked out having bought a box of genestealers and plague marines cause I thought they looked cool, didn't even get any glue I was that clue less. Two weeks later was in the official GW store in my town collecting space marines, two months later found out I didn't need to paint them blue.


I’ve been into Warhammer for about 3 years now. At 29 I wish I knew of it much sooner. That being said I’ve been collecting the old White Dwarf zines. Love the ‘Eavy Metal sections!!!


I've known about Warhammer & Warhammer 40k since the mid 1990's. But I live in Southern California area of the USA. So back then most tabletop game stores were very rare and the easier places to find tabletop games were comic book shops. Due to that, in my areas one could find RPG's and card games easily, but wargames and board games were a lot harder.

I finally got my first set last Christmas with the 8th edition Dark Imperium Starter box. I may have also picked up the 9th Command Edition starter box and finally gotten a Indomitus box just last weekend (because my FLGS just got the second shipment which GW promised independent games stores so many months ago).

So in the hobby for less than a year and already working on a healthy sized pile of shame! But the upside is that between the 8th and 9th editions they focus on the 3 armies I'm most interested in! Space Marines, Death Guard and Necron, I mean who doesn't love genetically engineered Super Soldiers, Mutated Diseased Horrors and Undieing Robotic Skeletons!


A lovely trip down memory lane. I think My first Warhammer army was in like 95, and now during this pandemic i got back into the hobby after like 20years away from it. Played Wood elves back when i first got into it, now it has grown so much since then to be an even more awesome hobby with hundreds of minis and art and lore...


That 4th edition Empire book got me into the hobby. Loved the War Wagon and Halfling Hot Pot
