Digital privacy in a data-driven world | CONNECT University

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Data has become a key asset for the economy and our societies. Data can be created by people, generated by machines or may result from the interaction between the two.

Examples include sensors gathering climate information, satellite imagery, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, and GPS signals. Due to the fact that data collected may relate to individuals who can be identified or profiled, concerns have been raised about our privacy in a data-driven world.

This session will present the latest trends in digital data privacy, the upcoming privacy challenges which our Big Data era may pose and will brief you on EU's latest privacy related policy initiatives.

Lora Borissova, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel
Athena Bourka, NIS Expert - Data Protection Officer, ENISA
Ljubica Pendaroska, Ethics Expert & Data Protection Officer, Horizon2020 RePAST project
Farzaneh Far, Ali, PhD, Imperial College London

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