Imagine scenarios #shorts

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part two. hahahah...

"angioletto*, you're just messing with me. Please, "
He chuckled and pulled your shirt down even more, tracing your neck as you tried not to blush. You had to keep ignoring him, but his touches were messing with your mind. Ugh.

He started to gently kissed the back of your neck, finally taking off your shirt.
"Amore mio bellissimo*, don't ignore me. It's crucial, you know you love me." He growled into your ear, biting down on your shoulder as a reminder that you were his. Only his.
"Hmph.. you.. you.." You mumbled, stuttering and blushing. He could get your heart twirling, jumping, and screaming with only a few pet names in his native language, Italian and a few of his touches and he got you absolutely crazy.

He gently pushed you down on his bed, chuckling as he crawled on top of you- his broad and muscular chest covering almost your whole view. "Cuore mio*, how about I make you feel really good tonight?" He suggested sexually; taking off his black tie and talking off his black suit vest.

[ angioletto = little angel ]
[ Amore mio bellissimo = my beautiful love ]
[ Cuore mio = my sweetheart ]


Who all came to comments for the meaning of tesoro


Dang at first I thought she would annoy him by breaking pasta or adding ketchup to it lol


Just break some pasta and cook it for longer than al dente, and you'll be divorced in no time :D


Part 2 if I’m sorry if this is bad but it’s my first time and probs won’t be a part 3 soz

Y/n: yh I am u remove his hands and go back to ur room he follows u and pls tersoro (soz if I misspelt it) I’m sorry forgive me u ignore him and eventually fall asleep
*next day*
U wake up and get changed and u h/n making breakfast u quickly grab some toast and grab it car keys and head out the door u suddenly feel a pair of hands wrapped around ur waist H/n: may ik where my wife is headed? U may not u climb into the car and drive away
*the evening*
U walk inside w a bag full of decorations h/n scoffs took u long enough u put ur 3 rd finger up to me he pins u to a wall tesoro, ti ho detto molte volte di par larmi con rispetto o me ne pentirò piss off u say he grabs ur throat and start m3king out w u
*the end* yes a cliffhanger Indeed someone continue part 3 in comments


Part 2! :

H/n: his name

Y/n: ur name!

**you quickly grab some pasta and break it and he divorces you**


if yall wondering tesoro in english means darling


I don’t mean to hate but I had a stroke reading this 😬


Stop saying tag wattpad Make a part 2 btw tag :)🎀


@butterfly004 can you do one with an arab husband
