Luis speaking Galician | Romance languages | Wikitongues

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Luis speaks Galician, one of the Romance languages of the Iberian Peninsula and the ancestral language of Galicia (Galiza), Spain.

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I live in Lisbon and I understand Portuguese and Spanish. To me it sounds like a Spanish speaker speaking Portuguese with a Spanish accent.


Descobri que quando eu tento falar espanhol na verdade falo galego


You know he ain't playing when he literally has "Gallego" in his name


Finally a language I can understand without having to learn it


I am Galician and I speak Galician, I also speak Spanish and understand Portuguese.
Galician is not a mixture of Spanish and Portuguese, the truth is Galician and Portuguese were once the same language (Galician-Portuguese, until the 14th century or so), that's why they are similar, but they are not the same.
Galician-Portuguese evolved from Latin, just like other romance languages did, and it eventually diverged into the two languages we know today, let's say Galician and Portuguese are like 'siblings', but they are different and each of them has its own identity.
Portuguese became the official language of Portugal and Galician was spoken in Galicia which was integrated in the Crown of Castille. The crown of Castille oppressed Galician and it was even forbidden to write in it. Few centuries later, after Spain's Civil War (1939) the use Galician was also prohibited at school, culture and politics, and the Government made Spanish the only official language of Spain.
Galician people had to endure a lot to preserve our language and also fight a lot to regularize the use of it so please don't come here and just say it is a mix of Spanish and Portuguese when it definitely isn't.
The current situation of Galician is not good either because its use is decreasing specially among young people and in the cities but that's another story. Anyway, I hope this helped you all understand and please show a little more of respect towards my beautiful language, Galician. Thank you

Galician translation:
Eu son galega e falo galego, castelán e tamén entendo portugués.
O galego non é unha mestura de castelán (español) e portugués, o certo é que no seu día galego e portugués foron a mesma lingua (galego-portugués, até o século XIV máis ou menos) por iso é que se parecen mais non son iguais.
O galego-portugués vén do latín, ó igual que o resto de linguas romances, e seguiu evolucionando ata se converter nas dúas linguas que hoxe coñecemos, o portugués e o galego, pódese dicir que son irmás pero repito, son diferentes e cada unha ten a súa propia identidade.
Mentres que o portugués se converteu na lingua de Portugal, Galicia quedou baixo o dominio da Coroa de Castela e o galego sufriu unha forte opresión chegando incluso a prohibirse o seu uso na escrita. Séculos despois, trala Guerra Civil (1939) o uso do galego tamén se prohibiu na escola, na cultura e na política, o goberno fixo do castelán a única lingua oficial do estado Español.
Os galegos tivemos que soportar moitos ataques á nosa lingua e loitar moito tamén por preservala e normalizar o seu uso así que por favor, non veñades a comentar que é unha mestura de portugués e español cando definitivamente non o é.
A situación actual do galego non é moi boa tampouco xa que o seu uso se está a perder sobre todo entre a xente nova e nas cidades pero iso xa é outra historia. Espero que isto vos aclarese un pouco o panorama e por favor mostrade un pouco máis de respecto por esta fermosa lingua que é o galego. Graciñas


Acabei de descobrir que sei falar a língua galega.


As a native Spanish speaker who speaks Brazilian Portuguese at a conversational level, I understood practically every word! Sounds like a “Portuñol”! What a cool language!


Mi bisabuelo era de Galicia, saludos de Puerto Rico compai.


Poxa, isso é mais facil de entender que português de portugal.


My grandpa was Galician as well, and hearing you speaking made me remind him, Omg I'm so sentimental right now, my feels... I miss you so much grandpa ❤️😭😭😭😭😭


Galego, uma língua linda de se ouvir para nós brasileiros. Suave, cadenciada, simples de entender. Agora ouvir um português falando preciso fazer força. Quando ouço o canal RTP, muitas vezes não entendo nada.


People here don't seem to grasp that it evolved alongside Portuguese and Spanish, so of course it sounds like Portuguese and Spanish. I speak both (English is my third language) and saying that Galician is a mix of one or the other is wrong; it's unique and fits right in between them, which makes total sense when you think about where it evolved.


Sou do Minho e entre a Galiza e o norte de Portugal a cultura é a mesma a língua a religião e quando vou a Galiza sinto me em casa .


Tenho a impressão de que galego é o português com um sotaque diferente.


Aos meus ouvidos soa muito como um português com sotaque espanhol... Linda língua!


I'm Australian but I lived two fantastic years in Galicia (Pontevedra). This guy makes it very easy to understand, nothing like some of the older people I would hear in the street


Like a Castilian rhythm with Portuguese pronunciation


Soa como um brasileiro tentando falar espanhol, amei


Galicia es definitivamente uno de los lugares más bonitos de España. ¡Su gente, su idioma y su cultura son tan interesantes! Acá en Latinoamérica los gallegos han dejado una gran influencia en nuestra cultura. De verdad deberían estar orgullosos de quienes son.


thank you ----albuquerque nuevo mexico
