Shine Your Light So Others May See

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“The Savior’s call to “shine our light” is a call to intentionally focus our light to help others see their next step forward to come to Christ,” says Bonnie H. Cordon, Young Women General President.
In her April 2020 general conference address, Sister Cordon shares a childhood experience when Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was hosted by her family on their farm in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and how she learned to be more effective in helping others find their way in unknown territory.
When Elder Perry offered to help her feed the chickens one night, she eagerly led the way through the dark night while swinging her flashlight. But she failed to realize that the light wasn’t helping him. Not knowing the terrain, he stepped into an irrigation ditch, soaking his leather shoe in mud.
On their return to the house after feeding the chickens, Elder Perry reminded the young Sister Cordon that he needed to see the light.
“I was shining my light, but not in a way that helped Elder Perry,” Sister Cordon said. “I focused the light just ahead of his steps. We returned home in confidence.”
“The call to shine our light is not an invitation to wave our light to make the world generally brighter,” she says. “It is about focusing our light so others may see their way to Christ ... to be more intentional in helping others see their next step forward.”
In her April 2020 general conference address, Sister Cordon shares a childhood experience when Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was hosted by her family on their farm in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and how she learned to be more effective in helping others find their way in unknown territory.
When Elder Perry offered to help her feed the chickens one night, she eagerly led the way through the dark night while swinging her flashlight. But she failed to realize that the light wasn’t helping him. Not knowing the terrain, he stepped into an irrigation ditch, soaking his leather shoe in mud.
On their return to the house after feeding the chickens, Elder Perry reminded the young Sister Cordon that he needed to see the light.
“I was shining my light, but not in a way that helped Elder Perry,” Sister Cordon said. “I focused the light just ahead of his steps. We returned home in confidence.”
“The call to shine our light is not an invitation to wave our light to make the world generally brighter,” she says. “It is about focusing our light so others may see their way to Christ ... to be more intentional in helping others see their next step forward.”