Cancer Survivors: Ellen's Story

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When a cancer diagnosis means facing the possibility of death, this can be a catalyst for reevaluating one’s life. Ellen shares the story of how surviving bladder cancer inspired her to change her lifestyle by taking full responsibility for her health and well-being. #deafcancer #deafcancersurvivors #bladdercancer

[id: Ellen is sitting in a backyard next to a table upon which a notebook is propped open next to a mug and other items, signing her story. In the background, bright green ground cover runs wild around stepping stones and two wooden chairs with cushions, bordered by a tall wooden fence.]

Transcript: Hello, my name is Ellen. My sign name is (shows sign name “E” on right side of chin). I’m going to share the story of how I found my Zen. I’m a person living with cancer and a survivor of cancer.

This is where the story begins. To start with, I never ever dreamed that I would have cancer because no one in my entire family has had cancer, with the exception of my partner, who died of cancer in 2007.

Anyway, I found out I had cancer when I went to the emergency room. The doctor told me that I needed to see a urologist immediately, which was startling. I called the urologist and went in for an appointment to get checked, and sure enough, I was told that I needed surgery right away. I was sitting there thinking, “just, wow”.

I had surgery on January 11th, 2017, after which the mass tissue was sent to the lab for analysis. Then I got a call telling me that I needed a second surgery, which was even more bewildering. I went in for that surgery, which removed more tissue via scraping, and next was informed that I needed 6 rounds of localized chemo treatment. Once I finished that, the doctors’ part of my treatment was done…and the rest would be up to - me.

Now it was my turn. The doctors were done with the surgery and everything else and it was going to be up to me to take full responsibility in dealing with the fact that I had cancer. That was a lot to process.

I knew about eating the right food, organic food, raw food, studying Kabbalah and all of that. What it comes down to is that I must actually put it into practice – apply my knowledge into my everyday practice – by making the right choices, eating the right food that is good for my health and food that starves the cancer and gets rid of it, by giving up sugar.

Instead of acidic foods, I want to increase my intake of alkaline foods, and also drink alkaline water, among many other things. Food impacts my body, mind, and spirit, including my vibrations. My vibrations rise and are more positive. I have more love light.

It was cancer that opened me to this. I faced death’s door up close – and pushed it away by welcoming more love light into my life and taking charge of my life from that point on. It’s important to get rid of toxic and negative people in your life. Let them go with love and peace.

Lastly, take care of your body with food, take care of your spirit and energy. I finally started practicing yoga everyday – and I love it! All the stretching helps me realize what my body can and cannot do. I have to increase my balance and incorporate everything.

This means full responsibility. God’s greatest gift, the first gift from him, is my body. When I respect and honor my body, I’m respecting and honoring God. That relationship is a way of respecting and honoring all of you…the whole world.

Every day I look for opportunities to support small, local businesses. I buy tea from Calabash, which is nearby, and I also buy food from Black-owned restaurants. I do this every day. Act locally, think globally. Health is wealth. Health is priceless. Love is the answer. Self-love, and love for all. Thank you for watching.


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