From Hell (2001) - What WE ALL MISSED - Jay Dyer

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#fromhell #alanmoore #hollywood

We all missed this in the Alan Moore adaptation starring Johnny Depp, Heather Graham and Ian Holm. Not only did we miss that key component, we can now see how relevant this specimen of esoteric hollywood really is, especially given the news the last few years. I cover the "builders" and their significance in this film, as well as linking it to the work of Dave McGowan.
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This was during Depp's phase of having a quirky beard and stash before the Pirates movies. The other notable one, Satanic, being Ninth Gate.

Good movie, underrated, great dissertation


Watched From Hell last night! 🎉 great analysis. I missed the cannibalism


Thanks Jay. I remember all the FM stuff. BTW it was filmed in Eastern Europe somewhere. I did not catch the details you mentioned. 👍.


I remember this, Ian Holmes eyes turned black, and the guys that took him weren’t phased, Great vid buddy lee from South Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 UKahhhhndidjtnknownhenwas a cannibal, wow nice find. I’ll re-watch, on the other hand I’m tired of things like this, I’ve stopped watching TV, tired of them trying to programme me.


need to watch this again fer sho, cant believe that was almost 20 yrs ago.


Very interesting. I really liked that movie. At the end of the movie when Holm is standing trial and the judge says, "You stand here before your peers..." and Holm replies, "I have no peers here!" Oh, the hubris! That was great. Whatever. I'll probably get my ass thrown in a loony bin one day, myself.


Wait, who was a cannibal? Sir William.? Okay, I'll rewatch that scene.I have the graphic novel and have seen the film. I remember the scene where he appears to have razor sharp teeth and completely blackened eyes, it was frightening.


Just went back and re-watched this and immediately had to look, "Did Jay cover this one?"
The end statement by Ian Holmes, "the great architect speaks to me..."
He was possessed by Lucifer himself, which adds even more weight to the line about Jack the Ripper giving birth to the 20th century. This is actually a really revelatory movie, if you know just a little about masonry and what they believe and worship at their core. Real crazy.
Like the whole thing is one ritual putting him in closer contact with the demonic forces. The light coming from the window in the final murder significant that its is Lucifer, the light bringer. His "seizure" he talks about earlier in the film may have been due to and earlier initiatory act he preformed to start the process. His eyes turning black, definitely signifying his possession. I was kind of blown away by how much they packed it this one


Jack the Ripper starring Michael Caine hints alot towards Mason involvement much does. The graphic novel is excellent in particular the infusion of "Jack" into Pop Culture


i love the non religion incidental info. in this and most Jay's presentations.


hahah the ending lol Jay is way too smart and reads REAL books, and is an adult, not a graphic novel (aka "comic") reader. Comics are for children. This was a good movie and interesting to hear your take on it. Can you do an analysis on The 9th Gate??


Graphics Novels especially coming from the British Invasion of the 1980’s are fantastic. You should check them out Jay. You’d like anything by Alan Moore.

I put them up there with the Bond books.


"I read real books" lol happy new years, brother.


Well, I haven't seen the movie, but I have read the graphic novel. It is not only based on S. Knight's book, but also the real events. IRL, one of Jack the Ripper's letters stated that he had eaten part of one of the victim's kidneys. So the cannibalism in the movie has a link to real life & was not 'tarted up' 'merely' to make the movie more satanic. (Whether or not 'Jack' actually ate the kidney is unknown to me.)
In the graphic novel, Prince Eddie knocked up a shop-girl, not a prostitute. IRL, ???
In the graphic novel, Dr. Gull states to Queen Victoria that he is using Masonry to combat the 'threat' of European 'Illuminism'. Two sides of the same coin, seems to me.
You read 'real' books, not graphic novels, huh? Well, _Watchmen_ is on *Time* magazine's "100 greatest novels of the 20th century" list, but perhaps that's not 'real' enough for you. Also, Alan Moore had no part in the movie; he doesn't believe that comics 'need' to be made into movies & has signed paperwork on *all four* of his comics-into-film deals to have his share of the movie $$ paid to his artistic co-creator.* Moore need not be blamed for whatever you don't like about the movie. He had as much to do w/ it as Bram Stoker had to do w/ any of Christopher Lee's _Dracula_ movies.
*(And, he asked snidely, how many of your books have been made into films?)


if you only read real books, I and many others who watch your content and know about the events would suggest 'Jack the Ripper: The final Solution' by Stephen Knight'. makes you understand why secret societies have been used to keep the order of the establishment...


"I read real books"... Ok Gex


Jay Dyer: I love the material, detest the wardrobe.


Marty Leeds is the 'go to guy' on Free Masonry and your ship has sunk on that topic. Mislead or misleading - your choice. No doubt in my mind that you've left learning much to long.
