'The Clean-Up Crew' | Paranormal Stories

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In this video, I discuss three paranormal stories in which strange animals were collected up by even stranger men.

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Author: Beyond Creepy
Source: The Humanoid Journals, Donna Fink
Video: Background footage filmed/photographed by Beyond Creepy using a Panasonic Lumix

All background footage is filmed by me using a Panasonic Lumix. stock images. All audio narrations are provided by me (Beyond Creepy). All stories are exclusively written for this channel by me.


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All music and background soundscapes/music/audio are royalty free and provided by Youtube's Audio library:
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Рекомендации по теме

I subscribe to a lot of channels that are very similar to this one. But this one is by far my favorite. I've been binge watching all the videos. The narrator has a genuine, down to earth, truthful vibe. Keep the videos coming and don't change a thing! This channel rocks!


This little critter sounds like what a woman in Alaska saw in her trees. Lots of them!


The buzzing sound or metallic scraping sound, is often heard before a cryptid is seen…perhaps a symptom of inter dimensional travel. Also the “Oz Effect” …or sudden total ambient silence in an area, is also a symptom of an encounter with something anomalous is about to happen.


Mr. Black, I want to extend my most sincere appreciation for what you do and what you bring to the table of paranormal investigations.. I've only been a subscriber for a little while, but after hearing your personal experiences and watching your investigations, it probably was not your goal but you got my eyes, ears and mind for life Mr. Black.. I hope you find peace, love, and whatever it is you seek in this life, none of this is by chance. 💜🙏🏼😶‍🌫️


Love these stories. One thing though, I find it unreal that people let these MIBs come to their property, without asking, and do what they want, examine and take what they want.


When you said that the MIBS were wrestling the creature I immediately imagined Will Smith getting flung around screaming "KAAYYY!" while Tommy Lee Jones is investigating something intently a few feet away


I believe there are things on this planet that go beyond the point of understanding


What if these creatures are escaped experiments and the reason these guys show up is because the have tracking devices implanted. The ladies that saw the wolf boy didn't call anyone.


that's why it's good to have pet dogs to watch over your home when you are not in the area.


Beyond creepy delivering the goods as usual, one of my favorite channels!


best creepy channel on the tubes. christ remember the pre 10k days, all that sharing really does help . keep on creepin' on


After seeing this video, my guess is that the real Men in Black have learned that driving around in pristine, classic cars of the 1950s makes them stick out like a sore thumb, and have decided to use more contemporary, unmarked white vans to conceal their activities. As far as the Albert Rosales and Joe Borda situation is concerned, maybe the real MIBs have mind-control powers akin to "glamouring" people like the vampires in the TV show True Blood had. Great video.


Subscribed. Mr Black you put a hell of a lot of effort into your channel and for that I thank you for a brilliant youtube experience. Great stories and input.


I'm not sure how else to tell you my experience, so I'll just leave it here, in the comment section.
This was a few years ago, I was around 15 or 16 at the time, and I'm 27 now, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. It was around midnight, I was laying in my bed, trying to fall asleep.
I always take forever to fall asleep, even now it takes me hours to drift off. Back then was no different.
I was laying on my left side, because it's the most comfortable position for me, when I began to hear what sounded like the crackling of electricity. It grew louder and I began to feel my bed start to vibrate. I could feel the electricity in the air, feel it move over my skin and hair. I felt like something was behind me, on the right side of my bed, so I sat up and rolled onto my back to look behind me, and right next to my bed was the darkest shadow I had ever seen! I know I'd *never* seen it there in my room *all* the other nights I had laid awake.
I realized it looked like the silhouette of a person wearing a hooded robe. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I didn't want to. I was scared, not because I felt threatened, but because I had no idea what it was. I got the feeling that it could sense my anxiety. As I watched it, the shadow seemed to move, and something that looked like a hand and arm stretched out to me. I instantly laid flat on my back and closed my eyes, tried to pretend that I didn't see anything.
Then I felt a light touch on my forehead and I couldn't take it anymore, I bolted out of my bed and turned my lamp on, but it had already gone.
Sometimes, I can still feel a sensation on my forehead where it touched me, a pressure. I don't know what it was or what it wanted, but I think of it often.


This was fantastic BC 💀
I listened to this post twice ✌🏼
SUPER job as usual 😬
I really enjoyed listening to this on my back porch, late at night with a semi full mon out... raccoons and opossums adding an extra creepy atmosphere as they scurry around in the woods right along my property line ... fun times 👽


I wish you posted more often. I absolutely love this channel!


And, as always---amazing. As excited as I am to see a new BC video come out is as sad I become when I see those three words at the end: "Thanks for Watching"


Looking forward to your 1 mill subs . It won't be a long wait. Your channel is honest, no click bait, and the content is just right.


Always the creepiest! Always the best!!! Thanks Mr Black, and beyond creepy family!!! Much love and good fortune to the creator, and fans of the best YouTube channel there is!!!


One of the best paranormal/supernatural channels on the interwebs. Fucking brilliant
