How do nerves become hypersensitive?

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Nerve pain - including sciatica and thoracic outlet syndrome - is a commonly experienced problem. Michael Shacklock, physiotherapist and founder of Neurodynamic Solutions, explains the mechanics of the peripheral nervous system. Nerves can be subjected to the following forces:

1. Sliding
2. Tension
3. Compression

Nerve dysfunctions can occur when any of these forces become excessive, leading to increased sensitivity.
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Thank you for this elegant and simple message.


I've seen several doctors and they same I'm fine but the only do conduction tests. My nerve are very sensitive. Sometimes just sitting for 30 seconds causes pins and needles. I'm looking for some better diagnosis. This video is the best I've seen.


Thank you so much for this video! I have only just now become aware of hyperesthesia. I'm just starting to watch some videos and do some research because I am terribly sensitive to loud sounds! I.e. loud music, traffic noise, really just most noise that comes with city living. I'm trying to understand better and I feel that so far this video has given me some informational groundwork. Again thanks for sharing!❤


It is important to clarify that this disfunction often merely reflects pathology and connective tissue covering or around the nerve fibre. This is very different from Pathology in the nerve fibre of the peripheral neuron itself


As to implied treatment, passive movement is perceived as a remedy here? Is ultrasound footage available to demonstrate treatment outcomes (before and after)?


I think I might have Hyperesthesia but I am not sure. So if someone could give there opinions in the replies i would highly appreciate that. I get triggered by certain sounds. Not necessarily loud sounds, just sometimes my ear hears it differently. It's almost like getting an electric shock in my ears.
I also get triggered when people touch me. If someone put there arms out for a hug, then i don't get triggered. But when someones does it randomly it sends a electric shock through my body. I also get annoyed when people get to close to me because it makes me feel uncomfortable. Even the smallest touches make me feel weird.


Fell on the back of my head in Maryland and I had a concussion because I was Disney when I got up and I seen stars and all I seen was black and since the accident I've been suffering from migraine


This didn't really answer the question for me.
